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Club 1872 Share Purchase Announcement

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Dear Member,


Club 1872 is delighted to announce the purchase of a further 192,550 shares in Rangers International Football Club Plc. This purchase takes the total shares held by Club 1872 to 5,093,326 which represents 6.25% of the total shares in the company.


This now makes Club 1872 the 6th largest shareholder in Rangers International Football Club Plc.


A Club 1872 spokesperson said:


“This purchase shows our ongoing commitment to increasing our shareholding in RIFC Plc. This in only possible through the commitment and financial contribution of our membership and we thank them sincerely for that. We are now the 6th largest shareholder in Rangers and we continue to move steadily towards a 10% stake and beyond.”


“The upcoming resolutions at the RIFC Plc AGM present a possible opportunity for Club 1872 to not only increase the fan shareholding in our club but also to invest our funds directly into Rangers in return for that shareholding. We hope that even more people will join Club 1872 to invest in the future of Rangers and to ensure that our supporters have a clear and effective voice in shaping the future of our football club.”


CLUB 1872



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Good news. Well done to all involved.


Any more similar deals in the offing D'art?


Sorry for the delay Ive been busy Stewart


Our brokers are actively seeking available shares all the time - but we never really know when external sellers decide to part with them.

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I understand that the purchasing of Rangers shares is the raison d'etre for Club 1872, but would it not have been better to have kept the war chest securely closed until after the AGM, when existing shareholding is likely to be diluted by any new share issuance? In that way, at least the money is going back into the club. This is not a criticism, just curious as to the strategy behind it.

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I understand that the purchasing of Rangers shares is the raison d'etre for Club 1872, but would it not have been better to have kept the war chest securely closed until after the AGM, when existing shareholding is likely to be diluted by any new share issuance? In that way, at least the money is going back into the club. This is not a criticism, just curious as to the strategy behind it.

The more you buy now the more you can buy after the agm.



You also get to vote for the special resolution at the agm

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