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Trolling and personal insults

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Now and again it's worth a wee repost of the forum rules which we deliberately keep very simple and which you can read below.


I'd also like to reiterate point number 3 in particular as there's nothing more annoying than dealing with people calling each other names or deliberately trolling. We're all adults and surely we can disagree with a modicum of respect to the point being made, irrespective of the person making it? If not, stay out of the thread and/or complain to admin and we'll make the call - not you.


After all you may think person A is a troll or find their style somewhat frustrating. That's fine but others may find you equally difficult. When that happens, I respectfully suggest you won't change each other's minds and that's where we end up with interesting threads being played out in the school-yard.


As such, please use the forum ignore feature if you don't have the discipline to skim over something you may find contentious. Also please report posts which break the rules below and we'll try to deal with as promptly as we can - with the proviso that we have own lives to lead and may not agree with your analysis either.


The above is aimed at no-one in particular but everyone as a group. If you can't keep to these rules then you can expect a PM from the admin team going forward.


'Tis the season to be jolly!




The regulars will know that Gersnet is very relaxed in what can be posted on the forums. However, for all the new members we've had of late, let me make the few rules we do have clear:


For the most part anything goes but we do ask everyone to refrain from the following:


1. Abuse/Insults: I will not stand for any Gersnet member being abused or insulted.


2. Unsubstantiated allegations about any subject: all subjects can be debated but unless you have proof, let's keep everything on the level.


3. Respect: The best thing about about this forum is that all opinions are found in all forums which creates interesting discussions on a wide variety of topics. That means you will disagree with others on a daily basis. Please accept opposing opinions will exist so take them in the good faith they are offered.


Any problems whatsoever with the above; pm myself or one of the admin team/mods.


Thanks to everyone for making Gersnet a great wee place to chew the fat.

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This might be a good time to adress this,there is a valuable member of this site that constantly gets dug up about a certain vote that was held.

This happened before i joined.however,is it not time he was given a break for a misjudgment{hes admitted it was a blunder).

The guy gets it shoved in in his face any time he disagrees with somebody----its getting tiresome.

I dont know the guy from adam-----but think its time to move on.

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This might be a good time to adress this,there is a valuable member of this site that constantly gets dug up about a certain vote that was held.

This happened before i joined.however,is it not time he was given a break for a misjudgment{hes admitted it was a blunder).

The guy gets it shoved in in his face any time he disagrees with somebody----its getting tiresome.

I dont know the guy from adam-----but think its time to move on.


Since I suspect this is me you are referring to, I'll take this opportunity of thanking you for your sentiments; which I know are shared in many quarters.

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And that has precisely what to do with posting on this web site?


BH don't tale the bait.


Let me leave you with the opening post.


Now and again it's worth a wee repost of the forum rules which we deliberately keep very simple and which you can read below.


I'd also like to reiterate point number 3 in particular as there's nothing more annoying than dealing with people calling each other names or deliberately trolling. We're all adults and surely we can disagree with a modicum of respect to the point being made, irrespective of the person making it? If not, stay out of the thread and/or complain to admin and we'll make the call - not you.


After all you may think person A is a troll or find their style somewhat frustrating. That's fine but others may find you equally difficult. When that happens, I respectfully suggest you won't change each other's minds and that's where we end up with interesting threads being played out in the school-yard.


As such, please use the forum ignore feature if you don't have the discipline to skim over something you may find contentious. Also please report posts which break the rules below and we'll try to deal with as promptly as we can - with the proviso that we have own lives to lead and may not agree with your analysis either.


The above is aimed at no-one in particular but everyone as a group. If you can't keep to these rules then you can expect a PM from the admin team going forward.


'Tis the season to be jolly!



Gersnet Rules




The regulars will know that Gersnet is very relaxed in what can be posted on the forums. However, for all the new members we've had of late, let me make the few rules we do have clear:


For the most part anything goes but we do ask everyone to refrain from the following:


1. Abuse/Insults: I will not stand for any Gersnet member being abused or insulted.


2. Unsubstantiated allegations about any subject: all subjects can be debated but unless you have proof, let's keep everything on the level.


3. Respect: The best thing about about this forum is that all opinions are found in all forums which creates interesting discussions on a wide variety of topics. That means you will disagree with others on a daily basis. Please accept opposing opinions will exist so take them in the good faith they are offered.


Any problems whatsoever with the above; pm myself, or one of the moderators.


Thanks to everyone for making Gersnet a great wee place to chew the fat.

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