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A pint of the cold, hard truth

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Fat Ashley is well friendly with the Irish money bags that is the C****c sugar daddy..............................allegedly!


Nothing would surprise me Ian. Coincidence it rarely is. Fat man genuinely is a vomit provoking repulsive sweat sack! Parallels with Jabba the Hut are unfair towards what is a Star Wars icon.

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The comment on the main page about a fans top is spot on. C1872 should seriously look into an alternative to the official top with profits being used to buy shares in a new share issue. Unofficial support from the club eg. Players leaving training wearing the top or ex players photographed wearing it would help promote it. You just have to look at the success of the red and black scarf and the current boycott of official merchandise to see that when we pull together we can make things happen.

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The comment on the main page about a fans top is spot on. C1872 should seriously look into an alternative to the official top with profits being used to buy shares in a new share issue. Unofficial support from the club eg. Players leaving training wearing the top or ex players photographed wearing it would help promote it. You just have to look at the success of the red and black scarf and the current boycott of official merchandise to see that when we pull together we can make things happen.


Alternative unofficial tops are already available mate - red and black stripes. I agree though that players, etc should be doing more to help.

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The alternative tops available now are not really an alternative though. A real alternative would be shipping 50k tops a season. We are a massive support who are unwilling to buy the official merchandise, we need unofficial merchandise that we know will deliver a big get it up you to SD and also give a cash injection to the club.

People need to equate the alternative with the club, they need to know that they are contributing. Problem with the likes of Lionbrand is firstly that most fans have never heard of them and secondly many of those who have don't see how they benefit the club (that's not a criticism of them). C1872 have the resources to promote a real alternative.

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The alternative tops available now are not really an alternative though. A real alternative would be shipping 50k tops a season. We are a massive support who are unwilling to buy the official merchandise, we need unofficial merchandise that we know will deliver a big get it up you to SD and also give a cash injection to the club.

People need to equate the alternative with the club, they need to know that they are contributing. Problem with the likes of Lionbrand is firstly that most fans have never heard of them and secondly many of those who have don't see how they benefit the club (that's not a criticism of them). C1872 have the resources to promote a real alternative.


I agree with you mate. Lionbrand is I believe being ran by a well meaning bear on a part time basis. He is doing the best he can with the spare time he has to work with but as you say, there is a vast market out there. One problem though - are there enough shares available to buy if 50,000 folk buy the alternative ?

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I agree with you mate. Lionbrand is I believe being ran by a well meaning bear on a part time basis. He is doing the best he can with the spare time he has to work with but as you say, there is a vast market out there. One problem though - are there enough shares available to buy if 50,000 folk buy the alternative ?


Why could C1872 not provide a soft loan in exchange for equity at the next share offering? (In exactly the same manner as King and the 3Bs.) In this way, the club gets an immediate cash injection, which could be ring-fenced for transfers. If the bears can see where their hard earned cash is going to (i.e. something tangible like the signing of a player), fairly sure that if Lionbrand was affiliated to C1872, and profits are going into the project, it would receive massive support. You just have to take a look at the Joey Garner song and uptake on Rangers Lotto, to see that once the support get behind a project, it snowballs. If there isn't enough available shares now, C1872 could offer to underwrite and take up the unsold shares.

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