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A pint of the cold, hard truth

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Interesting piece. "Operating losses have since been cut to £532,000 in the six months to December 31st 2015", I'm no finance expert, but is this simply saying that the club lost £532k in the 6 month period, or is "operating losses" something specific and there are further gains\losses elsewhere?


Assuming that we're talking bottom line loss of £532k, then given premiership prize\TV money this year, hopefully we'll be turning a profit meaning that future European monies (assuming a second place finish) are purely in the profit column, it's taken a long time, but we're there. Now we've got to focus on building and catching Celtic before they reach number 10!

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Outstanding piece by the OP.

Still some questions needing answered / clarified regarding who gets the money from shirt and other sponsorship.


No doubt about it Tom but that's unlikely to happen with litigation outstanding. :(

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