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Management Resigned ?

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For the record, and this isn't directed at anyone in particular. Go to anywhere in the world, to any football team who has a main rival. A longstanding bitter rivalry. I can guarantee you none of the clubs supporters would welcome or at least want a supporter of their rivals as manager.

In fact there would be positive meltdown at some if there was. So no, it's not hatred nor is it shameful to have a severe boke like aversion to a supporter of your biggest rivals as manager. Let's all live in the real world with real expectations of ourselves. We are all human not robots.

If they guys is in charge on Sunday nobody is going to boo him ffs.

Id have rodgers tomorrow.



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Steve I meant no disrespect to Mr Murty it was a genuine error on my part with the spelling.


Sorry MacK, I was just trying to make a "funny-ironic" point that the detractors had the name right and those booing the detractors did not. The winking emoticon was supposed to mean that I wasn't being serious there.

All the best

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Played thirteen years for Newcastle, came from near Prudhoe. Seems Magpie-ish.


Fair enough Scott, fans of one team can play their entire careers for others, though. Either way though it doesn't make any difference to my contention to MacK/Pete that I never said I hated Murty, nor would not support him but that it was hardly unusual for fans of one's bitterest rivals not to be given 100% backing from day one. Bruce to Sunderland, was one example that sprang to mind as I was typing which is why I mentioned them.

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Not if I had any european ambitions I wouldn't.

I could win this league with the squad Delilah left Rodgers.


I admire either your optimism or your youthfulness. I'm closing in on 60 and see no realistic ambitions of harbouring those again.

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