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Dave King defies Takeover Panel order to issue £11m buyout offer

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You wrote to them to correct grammar. Lol


If the statement is to carry any weight it should be written in proper English. As it stands there are at least 5 grammatical or punctuation errors in 4 lines of text.


As a member I have expressed my opinion that the Chairman's actions (or rather lack of action) are not in the best interests of tbe Club and hence its fans and therefore should be condemned by the fans' organisation Club 1872.

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I am speculating that since Mr King is an experienced businessman, albeit in South Africa, he must know the potential consequences of his actions and that therefore he may intend the said consequences to occur.


If be were to be subject to penalties imposed by the High Court or the TPA his position as Chair of RIFC may become untenable.


His position is already untenable, as many have pointed out his concert party cohorts threw him under the bus in their evidence to the TOP committee,the court of session are only being asked to order enforcement of the TOP ruling. You appear to be suggesting King is working his ticket.


Court penalties would ensue if King ignores a court of session order to comply, penalties include prison as it is a criminal not a civil offence to ignore a court of session edict.

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We might disagree about the importance of grammar but would you not agree that using an apostrophe to indicate a possessive noun is pretty basic stuff.


I'm not bothered if it's possessive or it's an open relationship, i just wish people wouldn't drone on about it. lol

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I'm not bothered if it's possessive or it's an open relationship, i just wish people wouldn't drone on about it. lol


As a member it bothers me that the organisation can't issue a half decent statement in proper English. We often talk about schoolboy defending, I doubt any schoolboy or girl would have put their name to those 4 lines.


But I won't drone on about it, till the next time......:D

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It's time for Rangers fans to take control and buy out absent chairman Dave King - Gordon Waddell


Gordon reckons now is the time for supporters to act as King continues to show a lack of commitment to the Ibrox cause.


You can’t build a reputation on what you say you’re going to do. You earn one by doing the hard things well.


Which is why Dave King is sending what little of it that Rangers have accumulated in the past five years – and there ain’t much, let’s be honest – right back down the toilet.


His decision last week to flout the Takeover Appeal Board’s order to make a mandatory £11million offer for the remaining shares in Rangers because he’d breached financial rules? Pretty much just ignore it?


Another court date set.


Between the Mike Ashley battles, the Supreme Court taking on the tax case, the Craig Whyte shambles and now this? They’ve had as many court dates this season as cup fixtures.


What did King think was going to happen? That they’d just say ‘Ach, the guy clearly just doesn’t like authority very much, we’ll let this one slide, eh?’


Sure, the nuts and bolts of what they’ve asked him to do don’t make much sense.


Who will accept 20p for shares they bought at 70? Ashley? The Easdales? No chance. And he needs 50 per cent to agree.


And let’s not forget the initial complaint that kicked this off came from former chairman David Somers who was trying to protect the last set of rogues who held office.


But the bottom line is it’s the first time in a decade since the panel was convened as a regulatory authority that anyone has taken them on.


Of course they’re going to come after him. And yes, it may be a personal obligation. Yes, the Court of Session docket will be in his name, not the club’s or the company’s.


But King was quick enough to use the club’s website to issue a statement on it, so anyone who thinks he’s not tying them in for yet another blight on the already disdainful perception of Rangers’ business on his watch is kidding themselves on.


He talked enough talk when he arrived at Ibrox two years ago – but at any point since, has he ever walked the walk? Has he done anything – and I mean anything – to enhance his reputation or theirs? Look at the utter contempt he has for even being in the country for starters.


He made it clear last month that any appearance he did have to make in Glasgow was under sufferance.


He has been at more litigation meetings than matches.“I travel to Scotland more often than I’d like to. People say I’m absent but I’m here far more often than I’d like to be … and it’s not fun but I signed up to do it.”


You can feel the commitment coursing through him, eh?


He’s at the helm of a dysfunctional boardroom hierarchy making life harder than it ever should be for a managing director who has to communicate via South Africa and Spain before he can even begin to think about making a decision.


His lack of a role – even any apparent interest – in the appointment of manager Pedro Caixinha is another case in point.


Sure, great leaders delegate but they also understand they have to be seen leading as well.And nothing does suggests he cares a jot about how the institution he’s supposed to be restoring is perceived, as long as he does what he wants. All to the club’s detriment in terms of reputation.


You’d also like to think the SFA’s main board would be looking at this latest embarrassment and wondering just how wise they were to use their discretionary powers to circumvent the ‘fit and proper’ guidelines to let King in the door in the first place.


This is exactly the kind of disrepute they must have hoped wouldn’t blow back on them.


The thing is, look around at the rest of Scottish football.


Feelgood stories all over the shop. Celtic playing open training sessions to 15,000 fans, Partick Thistle getting a new £4million training ground.


I know we’ve drawn the comparison a lot this season but look at Hearts owner Ann Budge issuing a 5,000-word statement last week detailing every cough, spit and fart of what the club’s fans, their investors and future owners, want and need to hear.


They have people from the top drawer of the financial world leading the Foundation of Hearts for the transition phase of their takeover.


And they’re doing it on a fraction of the resources Rangers fans could provide if they could unite.


A group still having more smoke blown up their “proud and dignified” backsides by King in his attempt to get 43,000 season-ticket holders to renew, words right out of the Charles Green playbook – anyone mug enough to buy it, more fool them.


It’ll be interesting to see what happens when the Court of Session bring the hammer down on King for the shares issue and force him to comply with the statutory body.


Who knows, he may think he’s got a sound legal footing to ignore it? It’s pretty doubtful and he doesn’t have an impressive track record in the dock anyway.


But maybe it’s time, instead of trying to force him to buy everyone else’s shares, that someone looks for a way to galvanise support for actually buying out his.


I have no idea what the Rangers support would think of that but, from the outside looking in, it would seem to me to be a step in the right direction.

Edited by ian1964
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I do accept the comment as light hearted but would suggest that I didn't need to end with a question mark because it was a rhetorical question.


I agree with you completely about stylistic confusion in business correspondence and the reasons therefor. You are right to blame the Americans for much of this confusion and you may have noticed that President Trump's administration has been soundly castigated for numerous spelling and grammatical errors.


Email and text speak also have a great deal for which to answer.


I have just returned from the Hawai'ian Islands where it is often very difficult to understand spoken English; in shops, for example, because many of the staff are of Chinese, Japanese or Korean origin and the Hawai'ian language only has 13 letters in its alphabet so the few native Hawai'ians tend to speak a kind of pigeon English.


I am of the opinion that rhetorical questions lose their force if question marks are not used. I am aware this is not a universally held belief, but I think it is still the most common, and certainly the most effective, punctuation. However, I suppose I have to reluctantly concur because you wrote "didn't need" .


Singapore is another location with a challenging linguistic backdrop, this time via the amazing "Singlish":






I think that "talk cock" is a magnificent phrase........I hope no-one is using words like that towards me at this very moment ;)

Edited by SteveC
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I do accept the comment as light hearted but would suggest that I didn't need to end with a question mark because it was a rhetorical question.


I agree with you completely about stylistic confusion in business correspondence and the reasons therefor. You are right to blame the Americans for much of this confusion and you may have noticed that President Trump's administration has been soundly castigated for numerous spelling and grammatical errors.


Email and text speak also have a great deal for which to answer.


I have just returned from the Hawai'ian Islands where it is often very difficult to understand spoken English; in shops, for example, because many of the staff are of Chinese, Japanese or Korean origin and the Hawai'ian language only has 13 letters in its alphabet so the few native Hawai'ians tend to speak a kind of pigeon English.

Those damned natives,cant even speak the Queens English,shame on them.

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