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Pedro Caixinha angry at dressing room leaks ahead of*Old Firm derby

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By Roddy Forsyth


The ceaseless calibration of a Rangers manager’s performance is a rite of passage that – sooner rather than later, usually – is one that must be negotiated carefully by each incumbent. Pedro Caixinha’s test has arrived within five weeks of his appointment and not only because his players failed to provide a cohesive challenge to Celtic in Sunday’s William Hill Scottish Cup semi-final defeat at Hampden Park.*


Word had emerged from disenchanted sources within the club that the manager had laid down a pre-season schedule that specified a return to training on June 1, with only a nine-day break after the end of the Scottish Premiership league campaign and that his decree had not gone down well with his squad. When invited to comment, Caixinha’s response was a threat to withdraw co-operation with the media in the event of further leaks.


“You can write what you want but if the respect passes then you’re not counting on me for anything,” he said. “I have already spoken about how much holiday time the players will have“Our first competitive game is going to be June 29, we normally need five or six weeks pre-season and the season finishes on May 21 so it’s a question of maths. The players don’t need to complain because the plan has not been presented to them yet.


“If someone is doing my work I would appreciate they come and tell me how it’s going to be. At the moment, it’s unofficial and when it is official and when I want you to know it, you will know it from me.


“I am the manager and I am the one that plans the pre-season and the vacation. If I try to live my life by the stories in the newspapers – which I don’t read – then how am I going to live?”


It is, of course, entirely possible to be both sympathetic to Caixinha in respect of the scheduling difficulties imposed by the early advent of the Europa League qualifiers but also to observe the necessity of reporting that the issue has caused dissent within the dressing room. In that regard, Caixinha is nursing wrath towards the source of the leaks.


“If those things are coming from inside it is something I need to find out about and when I find out I will act,” he said. When it was put to Caixinha that he was visibly more agitated than on any of his previous appearance, he replied: “No. You are seeing someone that is clear, is frontal, is open – but everyone has his own limit.

“When I feel I am not being respected, I’m not going to respect. I’m polite, I’m educated but I’m a f***ing tough guy.”


On his preferred subject of football – and the imminence of another meeting with Celtic at Ibrox on Saturday – he admitted that his nocturnal routine had been disturbed by Sunday’s defeat. “I sleep like an angel before the match. If I lose or I draw the match, I don't sleep the day after.


“I just need one day to charge my batteries. After that, I am smiling again and*facing what comes,” he said, although his demeanour suggested otherwise.

Whatever failings were apparent in Rangers’ performance on Sunday - the most obvious of which was the Ibrox players’ inability to get sufficiently close to their opponents to disrupt Celtic’s comfortable domination - Caixinha identified the prime difficulty as an absence of drive. Asked if he intended to alter his approach for Saturday’s fixture, he said: No change of style, no change of tactic - just change the passion.


“You are not going to win and Old Firm game by tactics.*Did Celtic change their tactics? No. They played exactly the same, they played with their identity. Did we change our identity in the previous five matches? No?


“I know if they go in with that passion we will be closer to them (Celtic). That is what I am focusing on. I don't care about the day after tomorrow. I am focusing on the present.


“You know what we receive from our fans and supporters - passion. At least the one thing you should give back is the same.“I don't care about external critics. I care about what I have inside and what I believe in, because if we had won the game, even if we had played like we had played in the first half, you would say brilliant, what a fantastic second half. I analyse it my way.”


Scott Brown, the Celtic captain, declared in searing terms that Rangers were distinctly second best – “they don’t have the legs that we’ve got or the quality” *– but Caixinha did not bridle at the repetition of the condemnation.


“It’s an opinion from an opposing player who had a good game in which we allowed him to play the way he wants to play,” the manager said. “I respect all opinions.”

Brown’s successful appeal against the red card shown to him for a lunge at Ross County’s Liam Boyce means that the Hoops skipper can play against Rangers on Saturday. Caixinha needs to effect an urgent transformation of his players’ approach to the sixth meeting of these sides this season, otherwise Brown is likely to have the last word on a long and taxing week for the Ibrox boss.



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Who is interested in Brown's opinion? Our management team should not, and the media even less. He is good because he has decent enough quality around him to batter everyone in Scotland from pillar to post, even without the help of the referees or the compliant associations. It would be interesting if the media also says that the Yahoo team that ran onto the Hampden pitch cost roughly 18m to assemble, their oposition roughly 3m. If you take out Garner, it would be 1.6m.


In any case, karma tends to be even handed and will hand him his share of bother sooner or later. One of the great faults of the Yahoos, from top to bottom, is that they have no dignity whatsoever. Whether they are defeated or riding the waves of glory. And Brown epitomizes all they stand for.

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PC should make every effort to identify the leak and get rid of him, regardless of who they are. The schedule is not determined by PC. The schedule is dictated by the Europa league qualifiers and if any player has a problem with that, they should go to a team without the prospect of European football, which is the majority of clubs.


The players will receive no sympathy from me or from the majority of fans. Of course I completely understand their desire to have an extended break, but they can have all the holidays they want at another club. At Rangers, the players have to be committed. If winning is not their focus, they can go elsewhere.


I'm also glad that PC is tough on the press. They want it all their own way and he's quite right in telling them that he will respect them if they treat him with respect too. He has been very open with them and given them much more detail on football matters than they'd get from anyone else. Indeed, he probably gives them too much, and for many of them, they just don't even know enough about football to appreciate what he's telling them. He has warned them about asking repeatedly for comments on in-house matters. The press in this country comprises some of the most uneducated halfwits around and an intelligent man like PC must wonder why he even bothers engaging in a sensible explanation of football and tactics.


On that basis, he should spend a little less effort on trying to educate the people from the media and spend a little more time demonstrating to some of the players what it means to be a Ranger. He's not long into the club, but already he knows more about what this club means to the fans than many of the players. His attitude towards desire, passion, commitment and WINNING is absolutely spot on. It's a pity that some of our players don't have that. We will no doubt find out who they are (if we didn't already know) because I'd imagine they'll be the ones shown the door in the summer. However, if PC finds out that they were the source of the leaks too, I hope he shows them the window instead.

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By Roddy Forsyth


The ceaseless calibration of a Rangers manager’s performance is a rite of passage that – sooner rather than later, usually – is one that must be negotiated carefully by each incumbent. Pedro Caixinha’s test has arrived within five weeks of his appointment and not only because his players failed to provide a cohesive challenge to Celtic in Sunday’s William Hill Scottish Cup semi-final defeat at Hampden Park.*


Word had emerged from disenchanted sources within the club that the manager had laid down a pre-season schedule that specified a return to training on June 1, with only a nine-day break after the end of the Scottish Premiership league campaign and that his decree had not gone down well with his squad. When invited to comment, Caixinha’s response was a threat to withdraw co-operation with the media in the event of further leaks.


“You can write what you want but if the respect passes then you’re not counting on me for anything,” he said. “I have already spoken about how much holiday time the players will have“Our first competitive game is going to be June 29, we normally need five or six weeks pre-season and the season finishes on May 21 so it’s a question of maths. The players don’t need to complain because the plan has not been presented to them yet.


“If someone is doing my work I would appreciate they come and tell me how it’s going to be. At the moment, it’s unofficial and when it is official and when I want you to know it, you will know it from me.


“I am the manager and I am the one that plans the pre-season and the vacation. If I try to live my life by the stories in the newspapers – which I don’t read – then how am I going to live?”


It is, of course, entirely possible to be both sympathetic to Caixinha in respect of the scheduling difficulties imposed by the early advent of the Europa League qualifiers but also to observe the necessity of reporting that the issue has caused dissent within the dressing room. In that regard, Caixinha is nursing wrath towards the source of the leaks.


“If those things are coming from inside it is something I need to find out about and when I find out I will act,” he said. When it was put to Caixinha that he was visibly more agitated than on any of his previous appearance, he replied: “No. You are seeing someone that is clear, is frontal, is open – but everyone has his own limit.

“When I feel I am not being respected, I’m not going to respect. I’m polite, I’m educated but I’m a f***ing tough guy.”


On his preferred subject of football – and the imminence of another meeting with Celtic at Ibrox on Saturday – he admitted that his nocturnal routine had been disturbed by Sunday’s defeat. “I sleep like an angel before the match. If I lose or I draw the match, I don't sleep the day after.


“I just need one day to charge my batteries. After that, I am smiling again and*facing what comes,” he said, although his demeanour suggested otherwise.

Whatever failings were apparent in Rangers’ performance on Sunday - the most obvious of which was the Ibrox players’ inability to get sufficiently close to their opponents to disrupt Celtic’s comfortable domination - Caixinha identified the prime difficulty as an absence of drive. Asked if he intended to alter his approach for Saturday’s fixture, he said: No change of style, no change of tactic - just change the passion.


“You are not going to win and Old Firm game by tactics.*Did Celtic change their tactics? No. They played exactly the same, they played with their identity. Did we change our identity in the previous five matches? No?


“I know if they go in with that passion we will be closer to them (Celtic). That is what I am focusing on. I don't care about the day after tomorrow. I am focusing on the present.


“You know what we receive from our fans and supporters - passion. At least the one thing you should give back is the same.“I don't care about external critics. I care about what I have inside and what I believe in, because if we had won the game, even if we had played like we had played in the first half, you would say brilliant, what a fantastic second half. I analyse it my way.”


Scott Brown, the Celtic captain, declared in searing terms that Rangers were distinctly second best – “they don’t have the legs that we’ve got or the quality” *– but Caixinha did not bridle at the repetition of the condemnation.


“It’s an opinion from an opposing player who had a good game in which we allowed him to play the way he wants to play,” the manager said. “I respect all opinions.”

Brown’s successful appeal against the red card shown to him for a lunge at Ross County’s Liam Boyce means that the Hoops skipper can play against Rangers on Saturday. Caixinha needs to effect an urgent transformation of his players’ approach to the sixth meeting of these sides this season, otherwise Brown is likely to have the last word on a long and taxing week for the Ibrox boss.




Don't think the media are going to have an easy ride with Mr. PC... :giruy:

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Under performers to a man its about time they got out on to the park and started performing like a Rangers team and if the manager cant handle the heat move him out before its to late

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I think there is a half argument for the players that they dont suffer burn out. I know people will say they are athletes and a footballer is a dream job but the body does take and need recovery time for it to repair itself to give optimum performance. We dont want to run out of steam by January and it ends up costing us domestically.


But I am sure the majority of players are up the challenge of European football anyway and will take on the short break. The media will do anything for a false story. Plus the fact we will be adding to the squad then Im sure a rotation of additional days can be worked out in between games.


As Pedro says in his interview - its an internal matter! So the mainstream media can do one.

Edited by Gribz
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It is very rare in ANY job for employees to take longer than 2 weeks off at the summer (normally 10 working day holiday)....many folk only taking 1 week (5 working days).

It would be interesting to see how many hours a week the players ACTUALLY work - I would hazard a guess that it is considerably lower than your average/normal person. I would also guess that the time they get off over the course of a calendar year is greater than the average person.


Suck it up & get on with it like any NORMAL working person.


As for the information leak, I suppose it would depend on the nature of the leak.....If a player was asked a direct question by someone in the media, and simply gave an honest answer - does that constitute a leak??? I would guess that a likely source would be the other half of one of the players getting married, moaning to someone, who then tells the press.

Edited by pete
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if any of these players don't like it then fine. Go find another club.


PC must not fall into the same trap as Le Guen. He must be prepared to confront anyone working against him & deal with them accordingly.

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If the players don't like it then talk to the manager not the press. The club has leaks from the top down and Pedro is spot on in stamping this out where he can. Despite being in the job for less than a couple of months he grasps what the club is all about more than most. Find the culprit and boot him out, drop him or whatever is within employment law. It is not for players to take it on themselves to discuss our plans without approval from the manager.


If players are fatigued there are systems in place to identify that and rest them. As others have said if they don't want to play and win in Europe there is no point having them at Rangers. Perhaps we can send a message to our players on Saturday by giving Pedro a special ovation.


I'm sick of this group of under achievers who have had the privilege to wear one of the most famous football jerseys in the world. They need to shape up or ship out. I think what Pedro is saying when he talks about passion is that he knows they are not good enough but the least they could do is get stuck in. Warburton recruited players with the wrong mentality and they have to be high on the list for removal because that mentality will spread down the ranks.


Need to ban the Record from Rangers now. Another sneering article today from Ralston. They do absolutely nothing for our club and attack it constantly. It's a waste of time and energy engaging with them.

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