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Craig Houston, Alex Wilson & William Cowie resign from C1872 Board

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Laura Fawkes and Joanne Percival re-engagement

Dear member

We are pleased to advise that Laura Fawkes and Joanne Percival will be re-joining the Club 1872 team with immediate effect.


Their specific focus going forward will be on social media, communication/engagement with members, and the creation and management of sub-groups.


We shall be polling members later this week on Laura and Joanne’s proposed re-appointment to the Club 1872 Boards.


Laura and Joanne are completely committed to Club 1872 and to its one member, one vote ethos and would wish the members to be given the opportunity to decide on their return as Board members. It is a key decision for Club 1872 and one to be taken by its members.

Club 1872


I wonder what tomorrow will bring.:whistling:

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I wonder what tomorrow will bring.:whistling:


Does Craig resigning have a say on this decision? I will say, if it is then it is poor show they didn't make that clear that it was Craig they had the problem with.

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Does Craig resigning have a say on this decision? I will say, if it is then it is poor show they didn't make that clear that it was Craig they had the problem with.


If you can read between the lines this might give you a hint. From a thread 'Club 1872 resignations' ...


03-18-2017, 05:16 PM


Key Player

BEARGER's Avatar Join Date

Jan 2009




As you will be aware following the announcement from Club 1872, all 3 of us have resigned as directors. We considered it an honour and a privilege to be voted to serve on the board of Club 1872 by our fellow Rangers fans, and those of you who know each one of us personally will understand how painful it was for us to leave an organisation we firmly believed in and worked tirelessly to establish since our election.



We feel it is incumbent upon us to outline to members the reasons why we felt our positions had become untenable. As anyone who has served on a board or committee will know there will always be differences of opinion and varied interpretations on matters and the Club 1872 board was no different in that respect.



However, throughout our tenure we found the conduct of one director particularly challenging, causing all of us to make considerable personal compromises at times. However last week a situation arose, which we felt compromised the organisation rather than ourselves, and that was one compromise we were not prepared to make under any circumstances.



As many of you will be aware Rangers have recently advertised two job vacancies in respect of a Social Media Officer and a Supporters Liaison Officer. At Club 1872 we were informed recently that the latter of these two roles would be our main point of contact at the club in the future.



Word subsequently reached some of the Club 1872 board members that one of our directors had applied for the position of Supporters Liaison Officer. However, as no notification had been received from the director in question this matter remained as nothing more than a rumour.



Matters came to a head when the director in question intimated he, in addition to two Club 1872 directors who had already confirmed their attendance, would attend a meeting at Ibrox facilitated by Rangers Security personnel. This meeting was in respect of the forthcoming Old Firm fixture at which both Police Scotland and Club 1872 were invited participants.



As persons present at this meeting from Rangers were to be involved in the interview and recruitment process for the vacant Supporters Liaison role concerns were raised within the Club 1872 board. As nothing had yet been received in writing to the Club 1872 board this necessitated a phone call by one director to the director in question at which time it was established he had in fact applied for the role of Supporters Liaison Officer.



On such confirmation, the director in question was advised that it would not be appropriate for him to attend this meeting. In essence, we had a Club 1872 director who had applied for a job at Rangers, attending a meeting where persons from the club who were not only involved in the interview and recruitment process, but would also have direct line management responsibility for the post in question, were present.



Despite such advice and the concerns of fellow board members, the director in question attended the meeting.



We tendered our resignations shortly thereafter.



We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere apologies to all members, and in particular, those who voted for us. However, all 3 of us believe that by resigning in such circumstances we were reflecting the standards, values and principles which saw us elected.



Laura Fawkes

Joanne Percival

Iain Leiper

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Not as much as you, read your own posts back.


Lol. Deflect and deny. I never cast any aspersions against anyone, including Craig or you. Only one of us did that. Time for you to look in the mirror :thup:


You believe PLG is bitter, based on a single one-line statement despite presumably not knowing the person. As is your want.


Best we move on as it is now beyond pointless.

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Does Craig resigning have a say on this decision? I will say, if it is then it is poor show they didn't make that clear that it was Craig they had the problem with.


Given the fact Pete that its been common knowledge for several weeks, that both Laura and Joanne were willing to return to assist Club 1872 in any capacity - I would respectfully suggest otherwise.


I would suggest however that their concern, care and committment towards Club 1872 and to making it a success, was the overriding factor in such a decision.

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Given the fact Pete that its been common knowledge for several weeks' date=' that both Laura and Joanne were willing to return to assist Club 1872 in any capacity - I would respectfully suggest otherwise.


I would suggest however that their concern, care and committment towards Club 1872 and to making it a success, was the overriding factor in such a decision.[/quote']


If that was the case, they should not have resigned in the first place. Conflicts of interest are common and can be managed via the board's normal governance. This all seems personal to me and I would not want such people back involved as part of the board. Their skills, expertise and willingness to help are not in question, but their ability to operate as part of a team is.

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Given the fact Pete that its been common knowledge for several weeks' date=' that both Laura and Joanne were willing to return to assist Club 1872 in any capacity - I would respectfully suggest otherwise.


I would suggest however that their concern, care and committment towards Club 1872 and to making it a success, was the overriding factor in such a decision.[/quote']


Are you going to re-up, D'Art?

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Can only speak with some "e-mail experience" and both Joanne as well as Craig have been rather helpful.


Joanne with various questions regarding the RST (back then), and Craig with our quest to have a German "investigative documentary" about Rangers being a "new club that heinously shed its debt" being removed from screen and their mediathek.


I was surprised that Joanne chose to resign, yet reading their statement made it clear why. We are all human and are bound to make mistakes or have our own, private faults. It is doubly bad if it weakens a well-meant cause. From the above I gather that the obstacle has now removed himself though.


I for one hope to see her back at Club 1872 soonish.

Edited by der Berliner
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When I listen to PC


IMO people are sick of listening to others, right through the club and beyond


its actions that engender trust, indeed saying one thing and doing another is pretty much expected at and around Rangers these days


you make a good point describing it as cancerous, david murray fostered division among the ranks and it worked to his advantage we are still struggling to come to terms with it and unite

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It's fantastic news that Joanne and Laura are getting involved again. Hopefully some other new blood can volunteer on the back of this as well.


I don't think it's a bad thing that Craig Houston has stepped down. He did great work to get rid of Green but I don't think he ever got the whole C1872 ethos. In the past week I saw him doing a personal blog which he signed off as SoS and C1872, as if it was an official C1872 statement, which it obviously wasn't.


I would also hope that James Blair would look to resign as well. There is an obvious conflict of interest, highlighted by his involvement recently with the King share offer issue.


We need an enthusiastic and independent board to look to increase the shareholding of the fans, look to bring the Rangers board to account for any shortcomings that they have and be vocal in defence of our club as it seems that the club themselves are unwilling to do it.

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