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Club1872 statement re PC

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Boabie we've a million things to fix. Mudslinging with these cretins isn't one of them. It's just more bad publicity. It reflects and magnifies their stupid comments. Their employers will now think they're doing a good job because they are getting attention. That's their game. everythimg comes down to getting results on the pitch and every minute spent on activities that doesn't help that goal is a waste of time and effort. Rather than spend hours writing and agreeing and publishing this it would be better if they challenged the club on how to improve revenue streams from our own media channels or how to expand our fan base with positive interaction with kids or whatever. This is just negative. These emotive statements have to stop. Challenge in fact, libel, slander but ffs rolling around in the gutter with Sutton and Jackson is mental.


Walter, my point is - nothing - is being done. C1872 made a statement and are being criticised by some for it.

The Club have said nothing.

Maybe the Club think that because they've sold more season tickets the fans think they're doing a good job ? I suspect the Club are wrong and it won't be too long before the fans let them know that in no uncertain terms.

When the new lot came in I thought things would change. How wrong was I, eh ?

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I think we are long past the point of doing nothing. Doing nothing has landed us in the position where everybody and their granny has a pop at the board, the manager, the players or fans on a daily basis. It has resulted in a cup final where our fans were taunted and our players intimidated. It has resulted in effigies being hung from the rafters of our rivals. It has resulted in the shameful displays of pleasure in the loss of life of the 66, the complete hyperbole over 2 supporters (in however many decades) being racist and the current slating of our manager. What is most shocking is that no other club has had the decency to call it out. A prolonged and sustained campaign against us has made us the pariahs of Scottish football.

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Mate, papers are dying on their erse. No paper is going to commit suicide by becoming a Rangers partner, even if we could find one willing to do that - other fans would simply refuse to buy it.

The statement from C1872 was long overdue. If it was up to me I'd put some foul-mouthed guy with a loud voice in charge of answering some of the bigots currently running our side down.

Give them back what they've been doing to us.


To what end? It isn't going to stop anything only encourage it. The whole point of this style of shock journalism is to garner reactions by being provocative. Pasting it on sites that it is aimed at annoying is playing into their hands. In fact the only way it works is if we react the way they hope. It's as useless a tactic as staying completely quiet.


We need to stop them not get one up, the only way to do that is to prove without a shadow of a doubt it's on purpose and is aimed at encouraging potentially dangers reactions to make monetary gains for a struggling industry.


We need a clear strategic plan to mitigate the reaction therefore minimising the gains for them. Get the proof down on paper show how often these lies are being used to push paper sales then take the info too their advertisers and explain to them how their company is being seen as part of the problem by a huge section of their potential customers and their continued support will be reported to these potential customers as collusion . Attack the money and the circulation by using the their words and the consistency of their words against them. It will not work though without a professional and calm approach. Simply put we need to box smart not just counter box even as satisfying as that can be. That's not to say we shouldn't counter these lies ,of course we should, but it should always be in the persuit of highlighting their behaviour and ultimately stopping it from happening.

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To what end? It isn't going to stop anything only encourage it. The whole point of this style of shock journalism is to garner reactions by being provocative. Pasting it on sites that it is aimed at annoying is playing into their hands. In fact the only way it works is if we react the way they hope. It's as useless a tactic as staying completely quiet.


We need to stop them not get one up, the only way to do that is to prove without a shadow of a doubt it's on purpose and is aimed at encouraging potentially dangers reactions to make monetary gains for a struggling industry.


We need a clear strategic plan to mitigate the reaction therefore minimising the gains for them. Get the proof down on paper show how often these lies are being used to push paper sales then take the info too their advertisers and explain to them how their company is being seen as part of the problem by a huge section of their potential customers and their continued support will be reported to these potential customers as collusion . Attack the money and the circulation by using the their words and the consistency of their words against them. It will not work though without a professional and calm approach. Simply put we need to box smart not just counter box even as satisfying as that can be. That's not to say we shouldn't counter these lies ,of course we should, but it should always be in the persuit of highlighting their behaviour and ultimately stopping it from happening.


TB , I remember years ago what you have suggested there being proposed on another Rangers forum.

We got regular updates from members stating who they'd contacted, what they'd said, and whatever response they'd received.

It changed the square root of hee-haw. In fact things have got worse, much worse since that time.

We need somebody to stand up next time Mutton opens his mouth and remind the wider public about his comments after the Kilmarnock match when we won the league.

Every one of those maggots has something hiding in their cupboard - fire straight into them until embarrassment takes effect.

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I do understand that Club 1872 doesn't ban anyone, but my point is that it's the only thing to do, other than cut off the oxygen to these parasites. We cut off the oxygen by ignoring them. The problem for us is that we have too many of our own supporters who continue to buy, read, and disseminate the nonsense they come up with. That's what Club 1872 could and should be pointing out. Let's stop buying the subscriptions and these people will die off.


As for your point about the statement echoing what many fans think, I completely agree with you, and I think the same. However, releasing a statement like this only helps these parasites (I'll repeat that because it's what they are), and hurts us.


We are already ignoring them Gaffer, or least the club is. What has that achieved? Absolutely nothing. In fact it has given the bigots, gobshites and liars more power to their elbows, masterbating to climax in their papers, TV slots and blogs.


The days of we're better than that, don't stoop to their level, surely must be consigned to history. Get on the offensive attack these bigots, like Boabie says, the have more hidden in their hurt locker than we will ever have, attack them where it hurts.

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We are already ignoring them Gaffer, or least the club is. What has that achieved? Absolutely nothing. In fact it has given the bigots, gobshites and liars more power to their elbows, masterbating to climax in their papers, TV slots and blogs.


The days of we're better than that, don't stoop to their level, surely must be consigned to history. Get on the offensive attack these bigots, like Boabie says, the have more hidden in their hurt locker than we will ever have, attack them where it hurts.


We are definitely NOT ignoring them. We talk about their writings too often on various forums. Our fans continue to buy their newspapers. That's the problem, they are getting exactly what they want from these stories. This is their oxygen. Deny them it by completely ignoring them. We really haven't done that yet. If we had, they'd be out of jobs by now.

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We are definitely NOT ignoring them. We talk about their writings too often on various forums. Our fans continue to buy their newspapers. That's the problem, they are getting exactly what they want from these stories. This is their oxygen. Deny them it by completely ignoring them. We really haven't done that yet. If we had, they'd be out of jobs by now.


The club are definitely and clearly ignoring them, we the support have our forums, blog and occasionally C1872. We reply in an ad hoc fashion. No targeting of the gobshites, or their employers, no joined up thinking, no concentrated attack. Many Rangers fans don't buy the daily comics nor listen to their bile on radio, but they keep spewing their shite.


Ignoring them imo is not a option going forward, allowing the various scumbags free reign to attack us and the club is detrimental to our brand and my shares as a shareholder in C1872. I want it dealt with.

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The club are definitely and clearly ignoring them, we the support have our forums, blog and occasionally C1872. We reply in an ad hoc fashion. No targeting of the gobshites, or their employers, no joined up thinking, no concentrated attack. Many Rangers fans don't buy the daily comics nor listen to their bile on radio, but they keep spewing their shite.


Ignoring them imo is not a option going forward, allowing the various scumbags free reign to attack us and the club is detrimental to our brand and my shares as a shareholder in C1872. I want it dealt with.


How does that statement from 1872 help weeblue? I'll bet many thousands of Rangers fans have the DR on their iPhones or access their URL. DELETE IT NOW. That would be far more effective a message. Given Scottish football depend on BT sport and sky sport money and the most televised team is Rangers I would suggest a more appropriate action would be for 1872 to work with the club, compile evidence and have a meeting with the executives of those organisations to explain exactly what the problem is , why it hurts decent fans, and what steps they want to see to improve the situation. I would hazard a guess they don't see what we are seeing. I'll be blunt - I think the 1872 statement is pretty lazy and ineffective and adds to the problem. If I were a 1872 shareholder that lack of professionalism would be my concern. I'm not a shareholder but I have a right to a view because the actions of 1872 in response to this constant bile affect all Rangers fans. This whole scenario is again a symptom of how fractured our club and support can be. The statement is just another shot from the hip. I hate to say it but the Tims know what they are doing in terms of fan voices and what you might call 'corporate' messages but it takes hard work and a professional approach. I know one thing that all of this will get easier if we win football matches and as I said any effort not dedicated to that goal either on the pitch, in the boardroom, in the commercial dept, in the fans groups is a waste of effort. The statement from 1872 is not a statement that takes us anywhere. In fact it keeps us in a negative spiral.

Edited by Walterbear
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I would suggest a more appropriate action would be for 1872 to work with the club, compile evidence and have a meeting with the executives of those organisations to explain exactly what the problem is ,


The problem with that one as I see it Walter is, the club simply don't seem to want to work with anyone at addressing the issue. It's going on and on and the only time we hear from King and the rest is when the media are aiming at them personally. As I see it they couldn't give a monkeys about what is being said about the club or its fans.

Deleting the Record and others doesn't work. Those papers already know that Rangers fans have stopped buying it and now feel they have free rein to spout any nonsense they want to - it's not as if they will lose many more customers anyway. I don't have a single friend who buys the Record. It'll be out of business and printed from England soon. Personally I quit buying the Herald years ago when stinky started his garbage.

I'm happy that C1872 "shot from the hip". It's better than nothing which was alternative.

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