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craig whyte cleared

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Can someone please explain how he could agree a deal with ticketus for season ticket money before he actually owned the club.....and how could CW provide proof of funding without receiving the Ticketus money previous to the sale going through???


Nope! Doubt it mate!


There is a positive in all this. It means the assets including Ibrox and Auchenhowie do not now belong to the old company in liquidation (inevitable consequence of a guilty verdict) which in turn means HMRC can't get them which I think they would have a go at if EBT verdict unfavourable. Perhaps this verdict is better news than most realise.


EBT verdict will follow quickly now this is out the way imo.

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There is a positive in all this. It means the assets including Ibrox and Auchenhowie do not now belong to the old company in liquidation (inevitable consequence of a guilty verdict)


That's simply not true. There's no way a guilty verdict would mean that any assets would belong to oldco.

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Before we have a go at the jury, look at the amateur manner in which the 'investigation' was carried out. There was never any danger of Whyte being found guilty, amateur investigations (search warrant at Duff and Phelps) and the court case being to big for the prosecutor appointed. Absolutely disgusted. If the 'common sense' approach (per the HMRC appeal) was applied, Whyte would be locked up now.


We have had 5 years of being trod on by all and sundry due to the actions of Whyte (and make no mistake, the asset strip was the plan from day 1), and we get a joke of a prosecution. For the first time in ages we have had a really good vibe surrounding the club, and this has just deflated that mood for me.

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Can someone please explain how he could agree a deal with ticketus for season ticket money before he actually owned the club.....and how could CW provide proof of funding without receiving the Ticketus money previous to the sale going through???


Like buying a house.

In Whyte's case, Ticketus put the money in escrow or a solicitor's cliemt's a/c, allowing Whyte's lawyer to show proof of funds, to be released when/as the deal was signed.

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