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Forum/website feedback

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I personally picked this forum as I only wanted to join one and after looking at a thread on FF where one user posted a fair question and it wasn't until the 3rd or 4th page somebody actually answered him I decided FF wasn't for me (the rest was waffle and people taking the piss because of his username and email address).


I basically joined a forum as I live outside of Scotland and have done pretty much the whole of my life and obviously that means I miss the vast majority of information/rumours etc... It also means there are only 1 or 2 people in my local area who support and are knowledgeable about Rangers to have debates with. This forum allows me to keep in the loop and in the few months I have been a member, I have to say I have no complaints at all. The vast majority or posters seem friendly and banter is taken as just that in the vast majority of situations.


Also, being that i'm in my late 20's, I find out from other posters things that happened before my lifetime I wouldn't otherwise know. I'm sorry if that makes you feel old, take it that i'm calling you wise ;)


Long story short, no complaints from me and I agree with Scott7...


'taint broke, don't fix it.



Edited by lenny3k
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Agree mostly with other have stated.

The password change can be a bother.


Regarding stats,

I think a good addition would be to introduce a page where after each match members get the opportunity to rate each players performance and as we don't all see a match the same with differing opinions on player performances give the poster a chance to back up his ratings with some factual evidence. This would also allow us to have our own Gersnet player of the year at the end of the season.

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Agree with mostly all of the comments made so far. It is quality, not quantity that is Gersnet's most appealing feature and I would hate this to get to where RM got to.


A stats page would be an enormous help but I dont have any technical skills to offer any help to do it as I would guess it takes a lot of work, so hopefully someone knows how to do this in a quick and easy style.


The mix of regular users articles plus the use of guest articles is always worth a read.


Keep up the good work guys, I really appreciate it.

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I ended up on here for similar reasons to other posters - was sick of the attitude of other forums where you can't have a say unless you have thousands of posts and even then if you say something against the popular opinion, you're branded 'one of them'.


Good constructive debate on here. I look forward to the weekly match previews which are always well written and informed. Would be great to see player stats like those @SPFLRadar tweets. The most surprising of which (statistically speaking) highlighting how effective Windass' contribution was last season... That kind of insight on more of our players would add a lot to the debate.

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I would echo much of what has already been said.


Gersnet has always felt like a close knit family to me. It's a great little community of like minded souls and it's a lifeline back to my youth. I live outside Scotland and can't enjoy the camaraderie of going to the math with my Dad, my brother, my uncles and my friends from school that was such an important part of my growing up. The ability to hope and speculate about Rangers in the run up to a game, the tension of the game and the release of joy or recriminations afterwards has to be done remotely. Gersnet and its many and varied contributors give me that and more.


Sure we can argue and disagree and sometimes it can get close to the bone but this site is well moderated and run by Frankie and the other guys and if people need to be told to cool off and calm down they are told - to everyone's benefit. This is a site filled with decent people, not with trolls or nutjobs and long may that continue.


I believe that to be a Rangers fan is a special gift only given to a chosen few. In these times our club and its fans are under attack and abuse from all sides and it is important that we confront our attackers in an intelligent and calm fashion that captures the dignity that has always been associated with our club. We need spaces like Gersnet where we can debate and argue how best to do this - and we certainly do. Frankie and the other guys who have run the site over the years have created a special place that shows Rangers fans at their best. For me Gersnet sets the bar for others to aspire to.


This is the best place on the internet to be a Rangers fan. Anyone who comes and checks it out can't help leave with that impression.


Great job. Keep it up because it's totally appreciated.

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Wouldn't be the same forum if it was as busy as FF, i like the debates and sensible argument. I do sometimes miss the bigotry and sectarianism , bullying, name calling and hatred i give out elsewhere but you can't have everything lol


Joking of course but sometimes it's relaxing to get away from mayhem that goes on out there.

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Agree with other comments. I'm new so for me it is refreshing to have a Fan site focussed on the club. Too many sites from other fan bases as well as our own talk about anything but their own club!


The layout is good for mobile, not pestered with adverts and a good spread of topics. Posters seem knowledgeable about tactics and real football stuff.


Can't think of any real improvement required. So often the urge to 'improve' is done without considering the users so it's good to have this thread.

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Pretty much agree with everything before;


Quality not quantity wins.


I like the idea of the player stats.


Also, how about a yearly thread with the player of the year vote? Maybe as a poll which could allow the posters to change their vote as the season goes on with basically a moving player of the year?

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