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Groin Brigade Statement

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Following the club statement on Friday, we take this opportunity to accept full responsibility for both the pyrotechnics display to celebrate the achievements of the Lisbon Lions at the Hearts match in May and our 'Brendan's Undefeated Army' tifo during the match against Linfield on Wednesday evening. While we are disappointed to hear of the impending two match ban that we face, we know that in the sanitised world of Scottish football the actions of an Ultra group like ours may have consequences for our members. We do however completely oppose collective punishment and a blanket ban on all fans in our block is disproportionate and unjust therefore we call on the board to revise this decision.


As a group we are defined by our style of support and our politics, both of which the club are happy to benefit from when it suits their agenda. Almost a year ago, after much immediate criticism, we brought worldwide adulation on the club for our show of solidarity with the people of Palestine and the subsequent charity fundraising which was endorsed by the Celtic support. What isn't common knowledge is if it had not been for this incredible response, we would have faced the same punishment as we currently face. In light of this, and of the condemnation of banners and songs from Wednesday, we refuse to allow a discredited and corrupt organisation like UEFA or a board which has welcomed war criminals and Tory Lords to dictate our moral compass.


Our decision to mark the achievements of 1967 by using pyrotechnics was not taken lightly. We took the required steps to ensure that this was carried out as safely as possible and in the knowledge that we as a group may face potential consequences as a result of it. We believe the scenes that day and the response from the Celtic support proved it to be worthwhile. We have engaged in regular dialogue with the club over this matter throughout the summer and believed to be reaching an amicable outcome, however it seems as if events outside of our control on Wednesday have impacted upon the decision which has now been reached.


The Green Brigade exists to support Celtic in a positive manner and we believe that this current confrontation is unnecessary and avoidable. We welcome Peter Lawwell's call for dialogue as we have been waiting on his availability for some time. One of our first talking points will be the unnecessary and unsafe policing operation carried out during Wednesday night's match, which we believe must be the source of one of UEFA's charges (blocked stairwells) and could only have been designed to antagonise fans in the area. As the evidence below proves, it is bizarre and shameful that the club have not only blamed the fans for this charge but have cited it as a reason for the ban.


Other pertinent issues to be addressed are the club's response to the biggest cheating scandal to shame Scottish sport; the insulting of the Celtic support over the Linfield away debacle and negligence of the safety of those they knew would travel; and the silence over the racial and sectarian hatred directed at our player of the year and manager. Typically, the club are quick to bite the hand that feeds them yet reluctant to unite against common detractions.


We have built a positive relationship with the Celtic SLO however we are concerned that his position is nearly untenable due to the manner in which he is continually undermined by Celtic security staff. The SLO is required to ''collaborate with the security officer on safety and security-related matters'' however has been deliberately excluded from discussions of this nature which is in breach of the UEFA SLO Guidelines, as per article 35. His exclusion is a deliberate tactic adopted by the police and Celtic security to facilitate the targeting of our members.


For over 10 years now the Green Brigade has withstood attacks from Police Scotland and sadly this will always continue. This also will not be our first ban or forced absence from Celtic Park. The Green Brigade has not only survived through the years but we have thrived - we are currently as large and strong as we have ever been. We can assure all that we will be back in Celtic Park soon enough and that we will never allow our style nor our politics to ever be diluted.

Edited by StuGers
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The infighting has now expanded ...



1 hr ago

Disband The Green Brigade: Pressure group calls on Celtic to remove controversial supporters

Stacey Mullen



A PRESSURE group appears to have been set up by Celtic supporters calling on the Parkhead club to disband the controversial supporter arm, The Green Brigade.


Their calls comes after a pro-IRA banner, which was displayed during Wednesday's Linfield match at Parkhead, landed Celtic in hot water with the football governing body, Uefa.


Celtic will have to face Uefa on Friday over having the illicit banner on display at the Champions League qualifier match.


The club were also charged with a kit infringement and having blocked stairways.



Evening Times:


The Disband The Green Brigade group, who started their campaign on social media website Twitter today, said: "We call upon Celtic to ban the Green Brigade from all future matches at Celtic Park to safeguard the club from further censures and sanctions.


"We believe that families should be able to attend match days without having to explain to their kids about paramilitaries or indeed any politics.


"We support Celtic, not IRA, ISIS, Hamas, ETA or SNP.


"A club open to all should distance itself from political stances."


The group also showcased The Green Brigade image with a cross over the logo.


Several Celtic supporters, however, hit out saying that the account was a hoax. Although those behind the social media campaign announced they were planning to launch a petition.


Celtic Football Club have already issued a two match ban on The Green Brigade section of the stadium.


The majority of The Green Brigade are located in the standing section of The lisbon Lions stand at Parkhead.


The East End club said on Friday that they would be writing to the 900 season-ticket holders affected to explain their position and next steps.


Celtic said the decision, which was taken amid serious safety concerns and after discussion with the police, follows events at the matches against Hearts in May and Linfield last Wednesday.


During the Hearts game, which was the final home match of last season, a large number of flares were smuggled into the stadium and set off under banners.



Celtic said: "It was an incredibly irresponsible and co-ordinated action which could have had tragic consequences."


The Green Brigade also issued a statement saying that they accepted full responsibility for their actions.


The group, however, opposed a collective punishment on all Celtic fans within their block.

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Creating the GB was like unleashing a tiger which has turned to maul you.


These people see Celtc as a vehicle for their political or whatever aims. Too late now for Liewell to do anything


The authorities(including football authorities) need to take whatever decisive action against the club is deemed necessary to prevent this happening again. If that means suspending or cancelling fixtures and playing behind closed doors so be it.


The time for words is over. Action is needed now.

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Disband The Green Brigade group...or whatever they are called are years too late. I can assure you dads took their kids on that march to Hampden from Glasgow Green for the SCF where songs in support of the IRA accompanied by flares and smoke bombs let off in the streets of Glasgow. It was nothing more than an Irish fest with terrorism at the forefront and I can also assure you the kids loved it and the dads were proud of them for loving it.


The next 'innocent' generation will determine where this will end up, not our generation...it's too late for that.

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