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Mad Joe met Neil Doncaster and Rod McKenzie on Monday evening

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Maybe it is time for Club 1872 to go to Doncaster and Co. as well and asks questions about why they seem it fit to talk to trolls and malefactors such as the bigot O'Rourke in the first place. Or about the inaction against Hibernian FC and its fans since the Cup Final shame?


BTW, I was under the impression that the SFA was rather quick that no action will be taken after the final EBT verdict ... so what is Mad Joe mumbling about?

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Celtic have been very public about the need to re-visit title stripping and Dungplaster openly asked club supporters to invite him for face to face meetings " too inform them of how they came to cobble together " their statement.


What a complete fucking joke of a man and organisation he heads.

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Maybe it is time for Club 1872 to go to Doncaster and Co. as well and asks questions about why they seem it fit to talk to trolls and malefactors such as the bigot O'Rourke in the first place. Or about the inaction against Hibernian FC and its fans since the Cup Final shame?


BTW, I was under the impression that the SFA was rather quick that no action will be taken after the final EBT verdict ... so what is Mad Joe mumbling about?


The SPFL have nothing to do with cup games that is the SFA's competitions.

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Back then ...


Scottish FA statement on Supreme Court ruling


Wednesday, 05 July 2017


The Board of the Scottish FA notes the judgment of the Supreme Court and wishes to clarify the implications of this final legal decision from a football regulatory perspective.


In light of the Inner House of the Court of Session decision, the Board of the Scottish FA sought external senior counsel opinion to ensure a robust and independent consideration of all implications of today’s judgment.


The Board received written advice from Senior Counsel, amplified when the QC attended a full meeting of the Board to discuss his conclusions.


Specifically, Senior Counsel was asked to anticipate whether a determination in favour of HMRC, as announced today, could imply that there had been a breach of the Scottish FA’s Disciplinary Rules as they applied at the time of the EBT payments.


The clear opinion of Senior Counsel is that there is a very limited chance of the Scottish FA succeeding in relation to any complaint regarding this matter and that, even if successful, any sanctions available to a Judicial Panel would also be limited in their scope.


Accordingly, having had time to consider the opinion from Senior Counsel, and having examined the judgment of the UK Supreme Court, the Board has determined that no further disciplinary action should be taken by the Scottish FA at this time. .




It is a bit baffling that both the SPFL and the SFA sought senior legal advice on the same topic from a QC, who essentially gave both parties the same answers. I wonder whether it was a all-in-one-show, with SFA- and SPFL-people in one room with the QC, as the statements look very similar inded.


Perhaps I am wrong, but the only difference that springs to the eye is that OldCo was fined 250k for the non-disclosure of the letters, which were paid to the SPFL? Whether that was good enough for the SFA is anyone's guess. I take it that we will sue the SFA should they do anything regarding the titles and that they won't survive this.


In any case, the SFA as well as the SPFL should make a stand against this "other clubs and their supporters" demands, as they are the ruling body respectively. If they wish to seek action, they should do it on their own accord, not on the behest of fan trolls. Likewise, I see no reason why the SPFL board should meet with these guys. What next, invite the Green Brigade? Have they done this with other chaps before? This looks exactly like intimidation stuff the ex. chairman of the SPFL was refering to.

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So honest supporters throughout the whole of Scottish Football must stand up to the Bullies and Intimidators and force action from your own club’s. This is not a Celtic v Rangers issue, this is Honest and Integrity v Bullies and Intimidators issue. Football has to win, but it can only win if the honest decent supporters unite to make it happen.


Really made me laugh....the "bullies & intimidators" - how many other clubs/fans are still ACTIVELY pursuing this issue??? How many other fans groups have demanded meetings with SPFL/SFA bosses to discuss this issue??? There is only ONE group acting as a bully/intimidator, and that is the Ceptic fans groups!!!


Another point they are making is that if you don't stand with the Ceptic fans on this issue, you can't be an honest or decent supporter (coz they all are...).


As for the comments about the 5-way agreement & the Court room analogy.....the clue is in the name 5-way AGREEMENT. It was not a judgement handed down by the authorities to be enforced....it was an AGREEMENT to allow everyone involved to actively move forward. Also, it wasn't produced for the "Good of Scottish football", it was a solution to a specific issue and is only relevant to those who signed it.


Time that these eejits just got on with their day-to-day dribbling.....

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I and Association President John Andrews met with Neil Doncaster and Rod McKenzie on Monday night. The reason for the meeting which incidentally was at the request of Mr Doncaster, was for them to explain their position with regards to the Lord Nimmo Smith (LNS) Inquiry.


Doncaster has made a rod for his own back here - he now has left himself open to ANY and ALL supporter groups to demand meetings on whatever issue they have. Not sure this can be called "at the request of Mr Doncaster" when Mad Joe has been calling Doncaster out publicly since the Supreme Court finding.


From the outset they both made it clear that they thought that the SPL did everything by the book and that they had no further part to play in accordance with the advice they got from a Senior Counsel.


So the SPFL and a QC agree that there should be no title stripping. Thanks for the clarification Joe :thup:


They also stated that they, the SPFL, were happy to have an Independent Review of Scottish Football as stated about three weeks ago after they elected their new Board. The problem with that is, no Independent Review is worth having unless it also agreed by the SFA, and so far Mr Regan and his cronies have not agreed to a Review.


If there will be no revision to penalties already levied then what is the point ? It will be nothing more than an expensive form-filling exercise.


Mr Doncaster made it very clear that the decision taken by LNS cannot be revisited, the decision to fine Sevco £250,000 is final. Mr McKenzie stressed that all the information held by the SPL was put before LNS, which included the proof of about 51 side letters. But what they cannot answer is, did the SFA act honestly with regards to LNS.


Got ya Joe. So "Sevco" WERE actually punished previously, nice that you can now admit that. Nice that you recognize that punishment has already been levied. Interesting, and slightly concerning, is that the SPFL are disseminating information about a member club to the supporters group of a rival member club. Is the "51 side letters" information public ? Probably, but the way Mad Joe presents this is in a fashion which suggests he was receiving new information. Not good governance.


Mr Doncaster also agreed with us that the Five Way Agreement (FWA) was a barrier to Title stripping. That is the FWA that no-one outside if the signatories has actually seen. McKenzie and Doncaster actually admitted that in one of the early drafts of the agreement Title Stripping was one of the avenues that could be used as punishment to Sevco, not surprisingly Green, and apparently more so McCoist strongly opposed that route, so that clause was taken out.


OK, Glad we got to the end result here. The 5 way agreement, which is to the best of my knowledge legally binding, says that there will be no title stripping. Maybe we should end the discussion right there.... He tells us nothing new in that we knew that McCoist was very, very anti-title stripping whilst Green was less so. I am not sure why he would be surprised that those involved in the 5 way agreement wouldn't want to keep such agreement confidential. Clearly Joe has never, ever been involved in the business world.


That’s akin to a High Court Judge telling a convicted criminal that he could face twenty years in jail and the criminal saying I’m not having that. So the Judge says, well ok what about a fine of £250? That will be fine (excuse the pun) your honour.


Or a different way to look at it would be to say "Hey criminal, you are guilty, we can give you anything from 5 to 25 years for your crime. As the judge, I will give you 15 years and consider that appropriate". Joe is using linguistic gymnastics with his version by taking ridiculous extremes of "20 years" and "250 fine". But, regardless, what he is actually saying is that the SFA/SPFL had a range of options open to them with regards to punishment and they levied what they deemed appropriate. Very rarely do you see a judge's punishments be adjusted. Thanks Joe.


You have to wonder, if the FWA was good for Scottish Football as a whole, why has it not been made public? According to McKenzie the five signatories would have to agree to that, and he said that wouldn’t happen, but he never told us just exactly who would be opposed to going public, I think they would all oppose it to protect themselves.


Why did Celtic, why did YOUR Supporters Association, why did the rest of Scottish football, not make such complaints at the time ? Why is it that we only now see the clamour to revisit and revise the LNS decision. At the time Scottish football in general seemed to accept the LNS decision. It was, after all, binding anyway - regardless of what the decision was. To take Joe's own analogy.... Celtic and its fanbase seem to want to say to a Judge "Yeah, you gave them 20 years but that isn't enough - we want you to wipe them from the face of the earth" - appropriate ? Nah, I don't think so either Joe.


Why hasn't it been made public ? Because it isn't a public document. Neither Celtic, nor you Joe (sorry to burst your self-aggrandized, self-importance bubble) have any rights to see such documentation.


Interestingly the SPFL Board backed the call for an Independent Review as proposed by Peter Lawwell at Celtic Football Club, but not one club came out publically and supported Peter Lawwell before the Board went public, which was about three weeks after Peter’s statement.


The SPFL Board backed the review because you, and your sidekicks at Aberdeen & Dundee Utd (collectively you all have an inferior support number to RFC) cajoled and harassed them into making such a statement. The SPFL have little desire, like the SFA, to re-open the books on this.


Not one club came out and supported Peter... I know this is really tough for you to grasp Joe but Scottish football really doesn't revolve around Peter Lawell. Indeed, the fact that it appears to do just that is quite possibly the reason that Scottish football is at a historic low ebb - but, then, you don't really care about that because you prefer your team to be considered Irish rather than Scottish, right Joe ? So, maybe, just maybe, the reason the rest of Scottish football hasn't come out to support Peter's statement is because a) he is wrong to ask for yet another review into Rangers and b) maybe they just don't have an appetite to punish Rangers for a 2nd, or is it 3rd, time ?


McKenzie said that club chairmen were backing Celtic, but not in public. I think that proves the point the Bullying and Intimidation by the Sevco Support is actually working, I also think the comments from Ann Budge and Stewart Milne prove that too.


Interesting that Club Chairmen are backing Celtic but not in public. So.... club chairmen are happy to suggest "moving on" in public whilst holding a separate private belief ? Are they aware of their fiduciary duties ? Ann Budge and Stewart Milne have said "lets move on" - not because of some unknown friendship to Rangers - indeed, Milne suggesting moving on is as close as you will get to the enemy admitting you have been punished enough (only Lawell himself suggesting it would be a bigger story). The reality, Joe, is that people have had enough of moonhowlers like you looking to not only punish Rangers but push them into oblivion. Newsflash for you Joe..... Your much-lauded CEO (Peter Lawell) doesn't want Rangers dead. You know why ? Because without Rangers, Celtic have little need to exist. Without Rangers you can dust off the massive banners that cover the complete upper tier of your Mechanodome. Without Rangers..... Celtic are nothing. Because, you see Joe, as your rant here proves, IT IS ALL ABOUT THE RANGERS, even for you.


So where do we go from here? Well we’re not beaten yet. We have to force the SFA to back the Independent Review. The only way that can be done is by supporters putting pressure on their own clubs to call for it.


Where do you go from here ? My suggestion is that you go to a therapist, it can be the only cure for you. I would suggest a massage, but I suspect you have worked your way through all of the 30 quid an hour hookers in the East End already.....


Doncaster claims that the SPFL do not have the power within their rules to strip titles, but the SFA do have that power. So honest supporters throughout the whole of Scottish Football must stand up to the Bullies and Intimidators and force action from your own club’s. This is not a Celtic v Rangers issue, this is Honest and Integrity v Bullies and Intimidators issue. Football has to win, but it can only win if the honest decent supporters unite to make it happen.


Such an oxymoron. You talk about "Bullies and Intimidators" and reference Rangers. What you actually fail to mention is that Rangers fans simply want to move on. We have been the innocent victims in one of the biggest corporate heists in British history but we want to just move on. To be honest, me personally, I would let you and your ilk strip the titles just to shut you up. Do you know why ? Because at some point in time, we will STILL overtake you. Do you know why that is ? Because, as Tina Turner says, we are SIMPLY THE BEST, BETTER THAN ALL THE REST. Including you and your mob who continually attempt to obtain the moral high ground whilst actively covering up a massive institutionalized pedophile ring which not only occurred at your club but was perpetrated at the highest levels of your club's hierarchy, which your club's hierarchy attempted to subvert the justice system, which your club's hierarchy deemed fit to re-employ one of the main players in the pedophilia ring years later - yes, Joe, you and your club clearly have grounds on which to claim the moral high ground.


If you really want to talk about "Honesty and Integrity vs Bullies and Intimidators" then lets do just that.... Was it honest and was it integrity that your club requested the postponement of an OF game because of the sudden death of Phil O Donnell whilst playing for Motherwell on the grounds that he once played for Celtic ? Sure. But was it that same honest integrity that saw you and your club want to honour a TRUE Club legend in Tommy Burns by playing games rather than postpone them ? (Conveniently, your most influential player, McGeady, was suspended had the OF game been played on its original date, but was available for selection after the postponement.... Also coincidental is that your club were looking stronger for the league title when your club decided that the most fitting tribute to Tommy Burns would be to play games). Was it honest integrity that saw you demand the league season not be extended for Rangers historic run to the UEFA Cup final because you had a "set-in-stone" post-season tour of Japan organized. Aside from clubs almost NEVER going on POST season tours..... 9 years later and this post season tour still hasn't taken place. Or would you like us to start talking about the Celtic fabricated attendance figures from the 50's to the 80's to EVADE (yes, that would be tax evasion, which is ILLEGAL - which is wholly different to Rangers EBT schemes which were LEGAL AVOIDANCE schemes). You still want to talk about honesty Joe ???


It really is about Celtic v Rangers. Because we both know Joe that the rest of Scottish football is merely a pimple compared to our two clubs. But if you want to open the can of worms regarding honesty and integrity, be my guest. Because, when all is said and done, I am absolutely certain that when the final curtain falls, it will be YOUR club which is seen to be DIShonest and lacking in integrity - and it will be MY club that will be seen to be the bastions of honesty, integrity and fair play.


As I said, BE MY GUEST JOE - open that can of honesty worms - we have nothing to hide, but I suspect you do.....

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.... did the SFA act honestly with regards to LNS.


You have to think twice about what Mad Joe is actually suggesting here. The SFA (unless I am mistaken) as well as the SP(F)L looked into that matter and did their utmost NOT to help the club and its fans, but to punish them with various stuff, including an unlawful (note that word, Joe) transfer ban. Just look at the first attempts in the 5WA. And you suggesting that they did not hand LNS every scrap of paper and evidence they had? You want to have them revisit the decision and in the same seentence call them dishonest?


Really, this chap and his cohorts take some beating ....

Edited by der Berliner
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