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The Rancid Grip on Scottish Football

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After the odious ones' win over poor European competition last night, what can we do to get out of this horrible grip that holds Scottish football?


Celtic, Ireland's favourite club seem to have a strangehold that I am struggling to see any way out of. A few important factors have allowed this;


Firstly, the Champions League qualifying has been edited in such a way that for them not to qualify is almost impossible. Gone are the days when we could face top Italian, Spanish and German teams - now Celtic find themselves in a highly envious position of being shoehorned into playing teams such as the champions of Khazakstan, Northern Ireland and relatively easy Scandinavian countries. Basically, the CL money, which astronomically shadows anything we could ever hope to make in Scotland, is guaranteed for them every year. How are we ever going to financially catch up with that?


Secondly, they also have a firm grip on the governance of the game. Through a series of covert and not-so-covert moves they have infuenced decisions and other clubs into allowing them control of the top table. They have waged a campaign which has successfully cemented Rangers, their only real rival, as the "baddies". Other fans howl at our name. Other teams' chairmen stomp their feet in approval when the right honourable Celtic men suggest endless punishments. They have done this job so successfully that their many, many past, current and future misdemeanours are cast aside. It does not take a lot of investigation to see that they are at least devious or at worst criminal. This information is out in the open yet somehow they have miraculously managed to make a poorly managed yet perfectly legal tax scheme the worst thing ever to happen to Scottish football.


Thirdly, they have the Scottish press perpetuating all noted in point two. Is this due to partizan fans working their way into top positions? Is it due to a coherent strategy to achieve this? Is it due to nice bonuses paid to say nice things about the world's friendliest non-sectarian club and greatest fans in the world who totally don't ever idolise the IRA week in, week out? Again, it doesn't take a lot of investigation to see the disparity between reporting of the clubs. The Daily Record, Sun and BBC are pretty much full time Rangers Fake News generators. It also doesn't take a mathematical genius to calculate that, proportionally, Rangers fans don't seem to be represented (at all!?) at high up positions within the media (and also as MPs but that is a separate sinister discussion).


Fourthly, there is the suspect relationship between Celtic and the local government which has "hidden-in-plain-site" dodgy land deals that, again, are there for all to see. The knocking down of listed buildings, the selling of land for rock bottom, below value prices (on a side-note, robbing the tax-payer), the free spending in sprucing up the local area for free, the constant flow of money towards one club via the venue being booked as a training venue or the multitude of complementary "entertainment" tickets bought.. It is of no coincidence that the majority of the Glasgow City Council members who have influence here are Celtic 'sympathetic'. What investment has went on at the most historic stadium in the country on the other side of the city? None.


So what can we do to get out of this grip? Does it take Celtic having an unavoidable scandal of their own? They seem to have this covered as the press will happily bury any negative news via their placemen. It would have to be something absolutely stratospheric to break through their media buffer.

Does it take a long period of indifference? Shall their fans eventually get bored of beating Rangers? I can't see this happening as all it takes is for the press to ramp up the hatred to make winning "worthwhile".

Does it take major investment in Rangers? Again, this doesn't guarantee anything as the placemen running Scottish football will throw spanners, grenades and all sorts into the works to negate this. The constant stream of Fake News slandering the club will also put off any outside investment .


So the question is; Has John Reid's plan worked? Have they got us "nailed to the floor"? I have a horrible feeling they have and it will take us until the floorboards rot until we can get back up.


Any positive ideas are more than welcome to raise my not-so-cheery mood! :D

Edited by StuGers
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Celtic own the SFA and SPFL. They own the referees. They own the media from to to bottom. They own local government in Glasgow. They have a fully-developed and fully-funded club structure.


Rangers is a toxic brand that's ostracised across the spectrum of public life. We have little or no influence where it matters. We are run by comparative paupers and enjoy essentially a day-to-day financial existence. We have no financial reserves and little income outwith our own gate money. Our club infrastructure is poor and in some cases broken.


Beyond a footballing miracle, which tend to be in remarkably short supply, I see almost no chance of challenging Celtic for many years to come and all the hope and optimism in the world isn't going to change the reality of our situation. Only a seismic upswing in our finances and quality of governance can do that.

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