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I realise we live in a H&S oriented society nowadays but signs suggest football fans are getting sick and tired of paying a lot of money and being treated like sh*t and this sort of thing (pyro, violence etc) is becoming more popular.


Seriously just wtf?

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I realise we live in a H&S oriented society nowadays but signs suggest football fans are getting sick and tired of paying a lot of money and being treated like sh*t and this sort of thing (pyro, violence etc) is becoming more popular.


A compromise will have to be met to some extent otherwise we'll just have reasonably well-off, well-behaved and quiet stadiums with virtually no atmosphere (like Arsenal).


Fans are getting sick and tired of having smoke bombs and pyros launched right in front of them, causing distress and game interruptions. See what I did there ?


Why should a compromise need to be met ? These incendiaries are illegal inside football stadia - why should the authorities compromise on the safety of the many at the expense of the few neds who feel their self-importance can only be realized by throwing these devices onto the pitch ?


Best hope it doesn't happen to your kid and they lose their sight or their hearing because of it huh - would you be quite so passive about the use of these things if that were the case ? You are completely ignoring the health & safety of these devices. And no amount of "being treated like shit" gives ANYONE at a football game the right to endanger others who wish to go and watch the football in a safe environment.

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I don't think we're getting anywhere here. You guys are obviously hugely concerned about this and that's understandable.


I think the atmosphere at Ibrox and most British stadiums is sterile and needs a bit of livening up.

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I don't think we're getting anywhere here. You guys are obviously hugely concerned about this and that's understandable.


I think the atmosphere at Ibrox and most British stadiums is sterile and needs a bit of livening up.


I completely agree that the atmosphere is sterile and needs livening up - but there are many ways to skin a cat - using smoke bombs and the like is NOT livening up the atmosphere - I know you almost want this to die a death now but just how did the smoke bomb yesterday liven up the atmosphere ? It didn't !


How did the paper throwing against Progres liven up the atmosphere ? It didn't. All it did was kill any momentum we had and get the remaining 99% of fans pissed off. That isn't the way to liven the atmosphere up !

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I don't think we're getting anywhere here. You guys are obviously hugely concerned about this and that's understandable.


I think the atmosphere at Ibrox and most British stadiums is sterile and needs a bit of livening up.


There really is no discussion here....flares & other pyro-type devices are banned, not allowed, however else you want to put it - They shouldn't be in the ground!!!!

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