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Celtic still pressing SFA for inquiry

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A disputed bill with HMRC or anyone else is not due until the dispute is settled or has run its course,the WTB is an irrelevevance.


What they are saying is, there was no dispute. HMRC sent a bill and Rangers didn't pay it.


Regan insisted Hampden chiefs had followed UEFA rules.

Speaking after the governing body's AGM in Glasgow, he said: "There has been a reply. We've been in dialogue with Celtic Football Club on the matter.

"My understanding is that the requisitioners have accepted that they have no issues with the granting of the licence to Rangers in 2011 .

"What they do have an issue with is the monitoring period immediately following that licence in March 2011.

"Our position on that is that we have complied with UEFA requirements in the period immediately following March 2011 and clearly if there is still an issue with the requisitioners then that's for them to take up with UEFA.

"We've said if they do that then we'll fully cooperate and comply with any requests for information from UEFA and we've provided details at UEFA for the requisitioners to make contact.




The March date is where the confusion comes in Colin. The allegation is that at least 2 Rangers employees/directors lied to the SFA. They say the bill to HMRC was due before March, there were no negotiations ongoing so it should have been declared as an "overdue".


Guys, I'm only repeating what is being said elsewhere. Quite probably the deluded have once again been sold a pup and someone is [again] making money from their obsessions .

However, imo there is no doubt that things are happening in the background from senior sellik people attempting to stick the boot into us [again].

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What they are saying is, there was no dispute. HMRC sent a bill and Rangers didn't pay it.





The March date is where the confusion comes in Colin. The allegation is that at least 2 Rangers employees/directors lied to the SFA. They say the bill to HMRC was due before March, there were no negotiations ongoing so it should have been declared as an "overdue".


Guys, I'm only repeating what is being said elsewhere. Quite probably the deluded have once again been sold a pup and someone is [again] making money from their obsessions .

However, imo there is no doubt that things are happening in the background from senior sellik people attempting to stick the boot into us [again].


There is absolutely no doubt there was a dispute over the STB,confirmed by HMRC’s McCurroch.


“Mr McCurroch warned the company the tax authority had won a legal battle over the scheme and demanded payment.


But, according to former Rangers finance chief Donald McIntyre, Murray advisers still didn’t want to pay up.


He said it was only when the HMRC produced a side letter at a January or February 2011 meeting that payment was agreed.



He said: “My understanding was that the advice of Murray International’s tax advisers was we had grounds to challenge the assessment.


“At a meeting subsequent to (the HMRC letter) HMRC produced a side letter.


“I can only think the grounds to challenge were compelling to someone until the additional information was produced by HMRC.”

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Under UEFA rules a club may not take an FA to court. Whether it happens or not is another story but there could be UEFA sanctions to follow on all Scottish football.


UEFA rules cannot usurp corporate rules under the Companies Act. UEFA may frown upon it but they cannot mandate no court action. And if they do frown upon it they will do so not at the club level but the association level - so we have little to lose if we have to go down that route.

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If the yahoos are trying to get action taken against us now because of 2011 UEFA licence being granted despite the STB ,howcome all the Spanish clubs get licences every year to play in Europe despite the fact these clubs owe the Spanish tax authorities combined something like 2bn euros?

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Yoofa can't stop Rangers going to Court but their rules could stop their member associations allowing Rangers to play in their leagues.


The Club could argue restraint of trade perhaps.


Chance to leave the cesspit of Scottish football behind :ninja:

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please read the post by Ian on this page.......http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/showthread.php?78205-UEFA-won-t-investigate-Resolution-12-Rangers-Euro-licence-claims/page5


Colin - I believe that post was made before McIntyre made his statements in court. The manks have swamped them since. The BTC loss also did not assist.

We've now moved on from using a tax scheme that failed to telling outright lies to the SFA to get a euro licence.


Btw, I am NOT saying it happened. But that is what is now being alleged.

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please read the post by Ian on this page.......http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/showthread.php?78205-UEFA-won-t-investigate-Resolution-12-Rangers-Euro-licence-claims/page5


Sums up the situation perfectly. UEFA will do nothing even if SFA compliance officer refers it to them. The action by Lawell is to appease his fans and in the process damage our reputation. I suspect in all honesty he would rather be focussing on the positives in his club rather than being distracted by this. We will have to deal with it however and it is yet more distracting bad publicity for us.


With respect to Celtic fans crowdfunding a judicial review re EBTs I personally don't think they're complaint qualifies for one based on criteria for a judicial review.


Celtic officials are beginning to look as foolish as some of their fans now.

Edited by Walterbear
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