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Why are our authorities listening to bigots and terrorist supporters ?

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A senior lecturer despite only having an HNC ?

I take it she's lecturing on the potato famine, how to make potin, or RUC brutality during the 70's ?


She is actually a discredit to that institute in a number of ways. It's embarrassing.

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Oh, thus far I am unawares of her printed erudition. Which blatt avails us of such strident sagacity?


Actually.... I think I may be getting her mixed up with one of her cohorts, Haggerty. Apologies.

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It is Angela Haggerty that is the recipient of an HND in Journalism.


Yes mate. I corrected that.

However Findlay was the one who went on radio and refused to apologise for the sellik support singing in praise of the IRA or even to condemn the IRA for their actions, declaring they were "fighting for 100 years to get rid of oppression".

Both are repulsive individuals and unfortunately there are so many of these scumbag mouthpieces it becomes difficult to differentiate these days.

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They want the freedom to support and glorify in terrorist atrocities, the very same people who lobbied furiously for this legislation to come into law because they thought they were untouchable and the law would only apply to Rangers supporters.


Now look at them squirming and wriggling in a trap of their own making, now desperately trying to have the law changed again, you couldn't mark their brass neck;s with a Thermal Lance.

Edited by aweebluesoandso
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It's okay to support a terrorist organisation who have murdered quite a large number of British civilians but it's not okay to sing about a hypothetical battle with people who want to break up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (The Billy Boys).


Why do these people insist on living here?

Edited by Gonzo79
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It's okay to support a terrorist organisation who have murdered quite a large number of British civilians but it's not okay to sing about a hypothetical battle with people who want to break up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (The Billy Boys).


Why do these people insist on living here?


The problem is that they have successfully managed to redefine our songs for their agenda. Somewhere in the last few years it has been totally rewritten that "fenian" means "Catholic" when to the rest of us it means Republican fighting for their perceived freedom of Ireland. This was a massive coup as it allows them to continue their "political" bile whilst anyone saying "fenian" isn't actually opposed to the murder of their own countrymen but are someone who hates Catholics.

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Actually.... I think I may be getting her mixed up with one of her cohorts, Haggerty. Apologies.


The oppressed Angela is a columnist on the Sunday Herald.


Regularly, she appears on BBC Radio Scotland as a talking head. Saturday morning had her on as a guest of Shereen Nanjiani for two hours. Since Donalda MacKinnon becoming Director of BBC Scotland, Jum Spence was reappointed and Haggerty has become a weekly talking head across the broadcasting week.

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The problem is that they have successfully managed to redefine our songs for their agenda. Somewhere in the last few years it has been totally rewritten that "fenian" means "Catholic" when to the rest of us it means Republican fighting for their perceived freedom of Ireland.




When I say 'Fenian' it has nothing to do with religion. Wolfetone was a Fenian and a Protestant.


I know there are others who may mean something different when they say the word but history, literature and basic facts seem to back up the meaning I intend.


I'd prefer to just get on with supporting my football team but the likes of Hibs and Celtic brought sectarianism into Scottish football and rabid Tims like Findlay seem determined to keep it here. I won't apologise for what I am and will continue to oppose these people.


Bears should be encouraged to read more books and educate ourselves, so we can get into positions where we can show this lot up for what they are.

Edited by Gonzo79
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This falsehood about the meaning of the word "fenian" is continually perpetrated by Graham Spiers who states as "fact" that Rangers supporters regard the terms "Catholic" and "Fenian" as being synonymous. Personally I regard it as a derogatory term applied to anti British terrorist supporting rats and certainly not to RCs end block.

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This falsehood about the meaning of the word "fenian" is continually perpetrated by Graham Spiers who states as "fact" that Rangers supporters regard the terms "Catholic" and "Fenian" as being synonymous. Personally I regard it as a derogatory term applied to anti British terrorist supporting rats and certainly not to RCs end block.


I must have used the word thousands of times meaning 'Irish Republican' before I was 're-educated' that it meant 'catholic'. I'm sure it means 'catholic' to a lot of folk in certain areas but as I dont live in these places it p*sses me off (as someone who has no time for sectarianism either side) to be told by people like Spiers what they think I mean when I use a word. Actually I don't use it in public anymore.


I've always held the belief these journalists and activists indulge themselves because they are in their comfort zone, it's an easy hit and it' pays their mortgages. They would have more credibility if they called out sectarianism and bigotry on both sides but they come across as the Thought Police. I'm sure if they lived in different times or perhaps in a different culture they would be extremely dangerous people.

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