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Rangers back LGBT players

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So heterosexual men are accused of sexual harrassment for winking but it's okay for a transgender person to get their boobs and penis out on a public street?


And people wonder why others may view this disapprovingly.


For the record, I witnessed men in chaps with their bums hanging out during an Edinburgh Pride parade and I was with my 4 year old son at the time (on our way to a mate's flat in the city centre) so was rather concerned at this being allowed.


Penis fell out, wasn't intentional. Boobs out was all to do with the parade and their right to do so - in NYC there people have the right to be topless regardless of gender.

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I was in Copenhagen in 1969. Public toilets were shared by men and women. There was a row of cubicles and one end of the toilets were urinals as well. Nobody bothered their arses about it


I would say some people do, some don't. Obviously enough do to build separate toilets and frequenting the wrong one can probably get you on the sex offenders list.

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Penis fell out, wasn't intentional. Boobs out was all to do with the parade and their right to do so - in NYC there people have the right to be topless regardless of gender.


Fair enough. Gun laws in most US states are stupid, so I'd rather we didn't copy their legislation in many respects, including this one.


Rainbow laces won't fix a single thing.

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I am a "live and let live" kind of person so have absolutely no issue with us supporting this. As you say, it is about highlighting the abuse and threats. Indeed, the wife and I were in NYC back in June (I was on a training course) and it just so happened that the "Gay Pride Parade" was on whilst we were there - we went along with a friend to see it and it was quite the sight (in a positive way). Not one single person of all the hundreds of thousands either participating or watching had anything but a smile on their face. No hate, no abuse, no threatening behavior - just an acceptance of our differences.


At one point I was watching a float just up the street and saw a topless girl and thought "that girl has nice boobs" and as the float passed in front of us his/her (see, I still don't know how to appropriately "label") penis fell out of their leotard/bikini. After a brief momentary shock I was more than just a little impressed at how people were more than comfortable with who they are.


We aren't all the same - and the world would be a terrible place if we were....


We always thought your wife had you well trained.:D

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Teachers are a lot more on top of that kind of stuff these days - School children get much more protection from bullying, and most of the kids themselves are more understanding of others' disabilities, etc. (Far more so than when I was a school at least). I think you could reasonably argue that it's perhaps gone too far and that nowadays kids are coddled at school - but it's definitely a damn site better environment than my day.


when I was at school as a pupil any suspicion of gayness ensured a rough time. by the time I left as a teacher, openly gay pupils and cross dressers did not. Not saying it was common but not really unusual either. That was 7 years ago in a tough Glasgow Comprehensive

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when I was at school as a pupil any suspicion of gayness ensured a rough time. by the time I left as a teacher, openly gay pupils and cross dressers did not. Not saying it was common but not really unusual either. That was 7 years ago in a tough Glasgow Comprehensive


The gays and cross dressers will be protected by positive discrimination.

Wee Specky will continue to get hammered.

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Serious question Frankie; what's tricky about it? Is it just the nomenclature?

In the post above Bill used the term "torrent of crap" which Gonzo seems to have agreed with. Perhaps Bill or Gonzo will expand on their concern(s) with this. Not knowing what the correct term is to describe someone seems to me a fairly low barrier to understanding the issues people face though. Perhaps Bill and Gonzo's response to this is exactly why the club should be getting involved.

When you have people claiming they wake up each day and decide what gender they are that day by how they feel. Thats going to confuse lots of people.


The rest seems simple enough to me.



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