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Club1872 will vote for all AGM resolutions

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I think you're wrong that club1872 will not have the opportunity to buy shares


Isn't that exactly what is set out in your own post #1 of this thread?

Edited by Bill
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no it doesn't say anywhere Cub 1872 will not be offered the chance to buy shares


So is Club1872 being given preferential access a new share issue along with those who have provided soft loans?

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No one read the article then except cs.



If passed, this will allow the board to clear a portion, if not all, of the current soft loans which have been the main method of investment to date. It is not clear how many shares will be offered but it is likely that supporters will have the ability, through Club 1872 at least, to invest through any Resolution 11 share offering.*Club 1872 has already confirmed it expects to be able to participate and thus maintain or increase its shareholding.*



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I think the article was read and the relevant part ignored


You meant the clear-as-mud bits that said "it is likely that" or "expects to be able". Which is why I asked the question - to find out if there was any substance to these claims. I take it you don't know then?

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I think this sounds good as I think one of the main reasons for it is to increase the shareholding and therefore control for King-co to marginalise Green-co. It's not detracting to this and indeed within the board's interest to allow the largest supporters group to maintain their shareholding.


It also has the added bonus of injecting money into the company from the fans group without being in any way beholden to them as would be with a loan - which was previously rejected.


This would put slightly less of a burden on King to meet the income shortfall for this season.


It seems win-win all round except for Green-co.


In addition it will also put King-co in a position to raise funds by a further open share issue while remaining in full control.

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