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McCrorie Set to Start at Easter Road

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McCrorie Set to Start at Easter Road


8 hours ago


Tonight, Rangers travel to Edinburgh to face Hibs, a team in decent form who will be confident of a result. With players like Wallace, Dorrans and Jack all unavailable, the fans were eager to hear news on Ross McCrorie in the press conference yesterday. Whilst Graeme Murty described him as doubtful, subsequent information suggests he’ll make the game. Obviously, there’s always a chance of something changing, but it would be a welcome boost if the information proves true.


The match tonight is one that will likely be high paced and physical. Rangers have shown a desire of late to stand up to this more, to win the right to play football rather than expect it. They’ll need to continue that attitude if we want any positive result, and that alone will not be enough.


In terms of a full starting line up, nothing is known for certain. As above, it seems McCrorie has made it, but that’s all we’ve heard. My prediction would be that the team which started the second half on Saturday will start this match, in that shape as well. I don’t believe Hibs will be quite as attacking as Aberdeen, as they know we can be exposed on the break a bit more easily. I suspect they’ll start with Simon Murray in this one, who missed out in their draw against Celtic.


Outside of the match, the most interesting comment from the press conference was that of our approach to upcoming transfers. Murty confirmed that he has identified characteristics required for the team, but won’t be responsible for selecting individual targets. Now that we have a scouting team in place, they’ll be asked to find the players who can fit our needs. For some fans, this is a situation they’re uncomfortable with. However, the demands of football are such now that asking someone to be in charge of so much and to get results as a manager is just too high an expectation. This foundation was put in place to allow a manager or coach to concentrate on winning matches and improving players. We won’t be ignoring their opinion on potential signings, but they can’t be the sole decision maker. We’ve seen time and again just how easily that can go wrong. There’s no way to guarantee every signing will do well, but you can minimise mistakes if you don’t allow a manager free reign. If we’d had this sort of check and balance in place years ago, just think of the amount of crazy signings we could have avoided.


With a number of games to come, a manager still be put in place, and more sure to arise, it should be an interesting December. Here’s hoping for a win tonight to keep the momentum going.


Not official but these guy's are normally right.

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