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Pacific Quay Musings?

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Why do you think that they are introducing a new 'Scotland' channel imminently?


They as an organisation play a huge part in shaping hearts and minds. PQ wields more influence than the casual viewer would give credence to. If people like Tom Devine are invited on to any given platform to give us all the benefit of his wisdom, inevitably some will be influenced by his 'truth'.


And Tom is one of many such agenda shapers deployed by the BBC PQ mandarins. To that end, anyone who thinks that the BBC is an irrelevance in both narrow and wider senses, is naïve in the extreme imho.

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Let's forget about the BBC and Rangers for a moment I would think there are many football/sports fans out there who would like to listen to the best football match being played that day/evening this nonsense should all have been dealt with at the start with a simple clear the air meeting .

Back in the mid sixties it was the other way round and Stein dealt with it himself by pulling Peter Thompson into his office after a home game and giving him a good rollicking the next week the commentators were telling us how good they were ,they had got the message don't mess with me or my club if only we had someone of that stature these days .

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6 hours ago, Bill said:

We do get coverage. Far better coverage and more extensive coverage than the BBC will ever offer. It's called Rangers TV, the Rangers website, Rangers Facebook, Rangers Twitter and the Rangers You Tube account. These could always be improved but they're there, they're well priced and they're infinitely better informed than the BBC. All you need to do is use them. Forget the BBC and the current dispute. It isn't going to be resolved by anything Rangers does and the BBC certainly won't be changing their ways. Move on, the past is over. Like the BBC, the dispute is now irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that we have an effective and accessible communication with our club.

I agree with you as a Rangers supporter Bill but the BBC will influence young kids who have parents who have no interest in football. I know quite a few kids that are crazy on football but have parents who are not. They have the BBC on there telly but no Rangers TV. That gives the other teams a big advantage.

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I think some of us are giving the Beeb far too much respect in terms of their influence.  People log onto their site to get scores and rarely read the articles...particularly youngsters.  They get all their info off Twitter and Facebook.  


The crowds at Ibrox are amazing just now and there are always plenty of kids in attendance.  The Beeb isn't affecting our draw on crowds and the way things are going, their influence will continue to lessen.


F*ck the BBC!

Edited by Gonzo79
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45 minutes ago, JohnMc said:

Where are you seeing evidence that the "younger generation" aren't influenced by the BBC? Is that your observation or is there any empirical evidence for it? What do you class as younger? Under 30, under 25, under 16?


Good point about what is classed as younger.  I'll find that out for you because I'm interested also.  I'm assuming (based on the need I had for this information) that it's under 25 but I'll check.


The data I'm looking at (and I'll try to summarise later) shows that if you are younger (whatever that category is), only 14% would even recognise the BBC as a source of information relating to Scottish football.  And that of course doesn't mean they'll all subscribe to it.  It also shows that the opinions and habits of younger people is heavily influenced by twitter (in particular based on likes and retweets), snapchat and Facebook, but not by any opinions from mainstream media (including newspapers on and offline, and mainstream TV).  Actually, that's not quite true because the anomaly is Sky Sports which seems to have a reasonable degree of influence with 29% appearing to be influenced by it.  I don't like Sky Sports so that last one is an inconvenient truth for me to accept.


Having said all this, as I said there's no doubt that for older bears there's a service we could enjoy from the BBC but can't.  The great thing for Rangers is that the BBC has perhaps helped drive people towards Rangers TV.  I'd like to know the number of subscribers because that would be interesting, but if RTV realises how much of an opportunity it has right now, and puts the resources into promoting and developing its services, it could become a strong influence indeed.

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23 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

Alex Rae and Neil McCann are about the only pundits who come across as liking Rangers.

Big Sam Allerdyce appears on Brazil's breakfast show fron time to time and confessed to being a Gers man the other day. As does Neil Warnock. I also get the impression that many at Talk Sport want the Gers do well due to Stevie G.

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4 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

No surprise but I see PQ couldn't help themselves tonight...


"He came from crosses with authority all night and he was pretty adept at wasting time too..."


They also kept repeating that Maribor "missed a penalty". No mention that AM actually saved it. 

Well they had to fill the air with something after the Hibees went crashing out. Rangers are the only show in town and they couldn't even stop the bile for a night and be graceful and positive about what is a great result for us against the well publicized "tormentor of Scottish clubs". God help them if Celtic can't get past those Lithuanians. It will be unbearable ?

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