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1 hour ago, 26th of foot said:

Murder Polis!


Again, we are a few weeks from a Holyrood election and a real political need existed to remove the Sturgeon/Salmond spat from the front pages. Sincerely, I wish those long term posters on this forum who support Nationalism, would return and debate why being seen to sink the boot into Rangers and Rangers supporters is a recurring theme to the Scottish Government? It has become a habit, even today the FM was speculating on Rangers supporters spreading Covid? David Hamilton is another Nationalist using his Designation to stick it on Bears. PQ are happy to oblige.



I'm possibly not the person to respond as i'm not a 'nationalist' as such, but I have voted SNP in the past and I might do again in the future, we'll see. I suspect, like thousands of Rangers supporters, who I support plays no part whatsoever in who I vote for. Any political beliefs I hold have been formed through 5 decades of experiences in several different countries doing several different jobs. I find myself politically homeless most of the time. I've no time for all types of nationalism, be they Scottish, British, Irish, wherever. I mistrust exceptionalism based on nationality. I'm a man out of step though as increasingly different strands of nationalism seem to be the only options open. 


To answer your specific question of "why being seen to sink the boot into Rangers and Rangers supporters is a recurring theme to the Scottish Government?" I'd say that this isn't something unique to this particular flavour of government. When Glasgow Council and the Scottish Government were Labour controlled we were fair game then as well and regularly held to different standards. I feel you should rephrase your question as "why being seen to sink the boot into Rangers and Rangers supporters is a recurring theme from any Scottish Government or Council?" 


We'd be here a long time trying to answer that. 


I love this thread and the heavy lifting you put into it, and I don't want to derail it from it's purpose. Perhaps this is a discussion for a different thread. 

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4 minutes ago, JohnMc said:

I'm possibly not the person to respond as i'm not a 'nationalist' as such, but I have voted SNP in the past and I might do again in the future, we'll see. I suspect, like thousands of Rangers supporters, who I support plays no part whatsoever in who I vote for. Any political beliefs I hold have been formed through 5 decades of experiences in several different countries doing several different jobs. I find myself politically homeless most of the time. I've no time for all types of nationalism, be they Scottish, British, Irish, wherever. I mistrust exceptionalism based on nationality. I'm a man out of step though as increasingly different strands of nationalism seem to be the only options open. 


To answer your specific question of "why being seen to sink the boot into Rangers and Rangers supporters is a recurring theme to the Scottish Government?" I'd say that this isn't something unique to this particular flavour of government. When Glasgow Council and the Scottish Government were Labour controlled we were fair game then as well and regularly held to different standards. I feel you should rephrase your question as "why being seen to sink the boot into Rangers and Rangers supporters is a recurring theme from any Scottish Government or Council?" 


We'd be here a long time trying to answer that. 


I love this thread and the heavy lifting you put into it, and I don't want to derail it from it's purpose. Perhaps this is a discussion for a different thread. 



My purpose is to stimulate/provoke debate. I feel debate makes us, the grouping of Rangers supporters stronger and it is nothing to be wary/afraid of. 


I agree, the then Labour Party dominated Glasgow District Council and had no hesitation in marginalising and demonising Rangers and Rangers supporters. Currently, GCC's Convenor Susan Aitken has a personal PRO, former Herald Journo, Gerry Braiden is over eager to portray Rangers supporters as plague carriers and liars. I have always voted Liberal, but I am persuaded by the tactical voting sites for the next elections.


Today, there has been a gathering of over a thousand folks in Kelvingrove Park celebrating St Patricks Day. I love the Police quote, "understandably, many people are in the park enjoying the sunshine". I wonder if Falls Road born and bred Gerry will adhere to his conditioning and agree with the Police, or will he advise against non socially distanced, maskless youngsters spreading the plague? I fear a convenient Residents Group might be found to support his decision?

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What no one will admit in Scottish politics is that the block RC vote holds the balance of power. Traditionally it voted with labour but has now switched to SNP.

And they are represented very well in many political and media positions where they exert their influence. In particular BBC Scotland.

And Rangers-bashing makes them popular with the rank and file.

As a support we have stood back for too long and allowed this to happen 

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13 hours ago, 26th of foot said:



My purpose is to stimulate/provoke debate. I feel debate makes us, the grouping of Rangers supporters stronger and it is nothing to be wary/afraid of. 


I agree, the then Labour Party dominated Glasgow District Council and had no hesitation in marginalising and demonising Rangers and Rangers supporters. Currently, GCC's Convenor Susan Aitken has a personal PRO, former Herald Journo, Gerry Braiden is over eager to portray Rangers supporters as plague carriers and liars. I have always voted Liberal, but I am persuaded by the tactical voting sites for the next elections.


Today, there has been a gathering of over a thousand folks in Kelvingrove Park celebrating St Patricks Day. I love the Police quote, "understandably, many people are in the park enjoying the sunshine". I wonder if Falls Road born and bred Gerry will adhere to his conditioning and agree with the Police, or will he advise against non socially distanced, maskless youngsters spreading the plague? I fear a convenient Residents Group might be found to support his decision?

I meant that 4 pages of scorched earth SNP bashing/defending might be to the detriment of recording and holding the BBC to account. 


The Kelvingrove gathering has made the BBC news app this morning, although so far I've not heard any comments from senior police or politicians.

I drove past Kelvingrove Park a couple of weeks ago and it was mobbed, it was the first kinda mild day and literally thousands of people, most of them young, were enjoying the park. As the weather improves you'll see that happening almost daily without their being any specific occasion to 'blame'. Unless the media highlight this and make it an issue it'll pass without comment. We're in an election cycle now so it'll be interesting to see what gets traction and what doesn't.  

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Today's BBC Scotland CeeFax pages carry the following report of yesterday's St Patrick Day's gathering in Kelvingrove Park :



Large crowd gathers in park despite Covid rules.


A large crowd which gathered in Glasgow's Kelvingrove Park has been dispersed by the police.

Officers from Police Scotland were called to the park in the city's west end at about 16.30hrs where people were urged to head home.

Current Covid restrictions mean only four adults from two separate households are allowed to meet up outdoors.

No arrests were made and no fines issued to those who gathered.


So, four sentences that do NOT mention St Paddy's Day, do not mention green'n'grey/Irish republican tops, do not mention litter, do not mention .......... etc. I suspect Gery Braiden wrote the piece and PQ are happy to publish?


The above is a continuation of last summers Green Brigade involvement in the BLM protests in Glasgow. Groupings walked around Glasgow in the early hours after dawn, with ladders and properly manufactured  replacement street signage. Over a period of five hours, they filmed themselves in the city centre replacing road/street names and posted the footage. The usual suspects hail hailed their fellow Sellik supporters 'doing the right thing'. Police Scotland took no action and BBC Scotland did not specifically report it.


Thus, if PQ cannot be accurate, how can they be objective?

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35 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

So, four sentences that do NOT mention St Paddy's Day, do not mention green'n'grey/Irish republican tops, do not mention litter, do not mention .......... etc.

I live nearby and can attest that plenty of public urination also took place. (Which is weird because, going by the tone of the media reports / government furore last week, our impromptu George Square title celebration was the first time anything of that horrific sort had ever happened!)

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