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The Anti Rangers SNP

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1 hour ago, StuGers said:

You simply cannot say that Scotland isn’t part of Britain!

That is the point and one I most certainly did not make as its obviously and absolutely clear that Scotland is part of mainland Britain. 



You can't be Scottish and not British.

The point I made was, in response to trubluesince1982 statement above, that a person does not have to be born on this island or consider themselves British to represent any of the home nations or team GB. 

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3 hours ago, T-1000 said:

john, do you think that support of the IRA and the singing of Nationalist songs is equally repulsive to Catholic Scots? 

I've known Scottish RCs of Irish ancestry who had a deep hatred for the IRA and I've known some who were broadly supportive. I've known more of the former than the latter. Most people with an Irish lineage I've met, whether Scottish, English, American or Australian were broadly supportive of Irish nationalism and the concept of a 'united Ireland'. Most were unhappy about car bombs and the like though. 


At the same time I've known, and still know, a few Celtic fans who'll freely admit to belting out Provo ditties at the football but wouldn't dream of publicly supporting the IRA, indeed I even knew a serving soldier who did that, and he spent 3 bloody years serving in Northern Ireland. 


I think you need to be careful not to equate nationalism, whether it is Irish, Scottish, Catalan or wherever with violent republicanism. Trying to achieve constitutional change through democracy is very different from shooting farmers sons in border villages. 


I'm not sure if that answers your question? 

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This is no longer about Rangers, It's now just the usual political mud slinging match.


Needs to be moved to non-football section.


BTW - How anyone can tick that box knowing what we know and what they think of Rangers as a collective group/family/fans/club/institution is mind boggling - go figure!


They think I'm s**t on their shoe!


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It's incredible how heated this thread has been at times.  It seems that too many people think that they'll convince others to change their way of thinking just by repeating themselves over and over again.  It's now bizarre and I think it's the strangest thread ever.


We all have our own beliefs, whether they be about religion, politics or football.  Having a diverse fan group is NOT a weakness, it's a strength.  That is of course unless we spend more time squabbling about the things we completely disagree on, rather than the important things that brought us to this site in the first place - Rangers.


We've got a big game coming up and it'd be great if we could get back to discussing that now instead.  If we can't agree on politics, can we agree to close this down and get back to important business:


- what formation should we use

- has Murty done enough to be our manager, and if not what must he do?

- what players or positions do we need to bring in the summer?

- will Bates return to fitness ahead of the semi final game?


id like to read about opinions on that rather than much of the stuff on this thread.  Anyone else agree?

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2 hours ago, StuGers said:

Yes, you are correct that people can represent other countries.


But you said he regards himself as Scottish which is different from just representing Scotland. I’m sure a lot of the modern Scotlland English players don’t regard themself as Scottish. If you regard yourself as Scottish, ergo, you regard yourself as British. You simply cannot say that Scotland isn’t part of Britain!

So does that mean if you were born on the island of Ireland you must be Irish? 

Edited by JohnMc
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I don't think this thread is particularly heated or weird.


People have made their point, fairly reasonably in most cases.  It's a sensitive subject.  I know people who have no interest in football and the independence referendum would see them get absolutely livid.  I have relatives who are far more vitriolic about Nats than I am and they couldn't care less about Rangers.  


It's all ground that's been gone over 100s of times.  

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45 minutes ago, JohnMc said:


At the same time I've known, and still know, a few Celtic fans who'll freely admit to belting out Provo ditties at the football but wouldn't dream of publicly supporting the IRA, indeed I even knew a serving soldier who did that, and he spent 3 bloody years serving in Northern Ireland. 




Thanks for the response John.  I guess my experience of celtic fans is broadly in line with your second paragraph.  Though, I know a number who would contribute funds to the IRA when collections were put round in a pub but tended to disconnect this from what use might be made of the funds.

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The island of Ireland is part of the British Isles.  I love reminding Irish people of this.  


Referring to England, Scotland and Wales as 'the Mainland' also has a rather amusing effect.

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5 hours ago, Darthter said:

Can you please point out some specific examples where the SNP, as a party, have commented negatively about Rangers???


There are examples of individuals commenting via their official MSP/MP accounts, which shouldn't be allowed & I will be contacting the party to raise this.

Throughout this thread, I have only see 3 (I think) names mentioned from the SNP - how does that reflect that Party as a whole??  The most vocal, and often mentioned is Dornan, who has made it quite clear where his support lies.  Other than that, there have been very few - out of a total of 62 MSP's & 35 MP's.....so we're actually talking about a VERY small minority of folk here, that is hardly representative of the entire party...

Perhaps you could ask them why Brendan O'Hara and Julie McKenzie have retained their positions despite using sectarian language to describe Rangers supporters, particularly given they are the party who introduced OBFA and instructed and encouraged the Police service to adopt a zero tolerance approach to such conduct.

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