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A timeline for compliance and corruption

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1 hour ago, Rick Roberts said:

That is the dream. A pro-active, full-time group, independent from the club, tying all the fans factions together and sorting out all the bullshit whilst setting the agenda.

It's still a pipedream as the undercurrent of division is still there and sucks out a lot of energy and focus.


Generally, another factor is that it's in the Celtic fans 'DNA' to be rebellious (some might say revolting) and organise accordingly, it doesn't come as naturally to our support.


This has been very apparent in recent years and when you take both of the above together, it's an area where we are way behind the curve and there is no short-term indications that it's going to change.



I hoped that once Club1872 got established and through teething problems, you might have had less division and the chance of off-shoots growing, eg. pro-active 'lobby groups' who on one hand might collate relevant data/information and be able to use it effectively if need be. A group who could have a pathway into the club that could be used for mutual benefit.


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Took the words out my mouth. It is in their DNA to feel cheated. They brought the house down and rebuilt it to their own spec. It is a pretty shocking indictment of professional standards within the SFA that the position designed to uphold standards of compliance is not open to transparency and examination itself. 


Unfortunately we have been marginalised by a combination of Murray’s stupidity and Lawells plotting. Navigating through this web in a small inward back scratching society like Scottish football is virtually impossible. The media is equally culpable for the existence of bias and you can safely say that none of these people have the interests of Scottish football at heart. They have the interests of Celtic at the centre of their actions and inactions. 


There is only one answer and that is to put the ball in the net and when we are denied points through blatant cheating call it out.  Our inability to get results through on field incompetence means we just sound like moaners but if SG turns it round on the park then people like Robertson (or rather unlike Robertson as he’s not capable) need to turn it around off the park. 


We have still heard absolutely nothing from our club about the flash bang which temporarily deafened a 10 year old fan. Sums it up. 

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5 hours ago, ian1964 said:

If it would require another fans fighting fund and hire someone to investigate all this, one I would be happy to contribute to. 

Only if this time the money is kept out of the hands of the cretins who gave away the last donation I made for the express purpose of defending Rangers against its enemies. 

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