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Rangers staff risk stoking sectarianism hints Glasgow council boss Susan Aitken

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God knows how we reached here it used to be EFTA(European Free Trade Association) which as I remember worked ok.

Now we have the EU which has become too big with too many insignificant countries as members,but thanks to that it is creaking at the seams.

We are damned no matter how Brexit pans out.

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12 hours ago, aweebluesoandso said:

There is the EU some people are patriotic towards that, god knows only why?

Supportive, I would say. Can't see anyone being patriotic to the EU ahead of their respective countries of birth. In many ways, the EU and the Euro came too early for many countries and that is still the case. IMHO, it was and still is business and market driven, rather than by people feeling "something in common". It sure holds some serious advantages in that business respect, but in this day and age, the nations are still very much introverted and caring about themselves.


BTW, the list of the board chaps above ... it would be good to get any sort of idea about him ... as people not from Glasgow / Scotland hardly have a clue about them (nor time to google each of them).

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1 hour ago, der Berliner said:

Supportive, I would say. Can't see anyone being patriotic to the EU ahead of their respective countries of birth. In many ways, the EU and the Euro came too early for many countries and that is still the case. IMHO, it was and still is business and market driven, rather than by people feeling "something in common". It sure holds some serious advantages in that business respect, but in this day and age, the nations are still very much introverted and caring about themselves.


BTW, the list of the board chaps above ... it would be good to get any sort of idea about him ... as people not from Glasgow / Scotland hardly have a clue about them (nor time to google each of them).

One name is known, McGuire, his brother owns the Tall Cranes, a republican slop house in Govan, the brothers allegiances are well know to the local community. Glasgow Life seems to be polluted with republican sympathizers who seem to be targeting the Protestant community around Govan and their interests. 

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3 hours ago, Bluedell said:

An SNP MSP suggesting that an Orange walk is a pro-terrorist walk.


When is someone with political authority, gravitas and respect going to take these arseholes to task? It is long overdue.


Unionist terrorists? The man is a complete and utter imbecile.


But wait, he's acting as an individual and doesn't represent the party as a whole. Isn't that right?


Step forward Nicola to reprimand him. And then I woke up and had my Millicano.


The O.O. Isn't exactly my cup of cha, but they've been more than slighted here. Difficult to get him on slander/libel/defamation but he deserves to be hauled over the coals for this.

Edited by Soulsonic5791
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