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Club 1872 Response to Ibrox Fanzone FOI Release

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40 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

one thing bores me about Gonzo, it’s his almost daily rejection of all parties.

I don't see my outlook changing much but I'll attempt to curtail the posts if I am becoming tiresome.


When I read Dornan's emails, my blood began to boil.  The SNP are a despicable bunch and they are doing far more harm to Scotland than they'll ever manage to do to Rangers Football Club.

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32 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

I don't see my outlook changing much but I'll attempt to curtail the posts if I am becoming tiresome.


When I read Dornan's emails, my blood began to boil.  The SNP are a despicable bunch and they are doing far more harm to Scotland than they'll ever manage to do to Rangers Football Club.

You might be a lot of things but boring probably isn’t one of them ?. Getting criticism, especially unfounded criticism, is often the best vindication anyone can receive. 

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5 hours ago, Bill said:

You might be a lot of things but boring probably isn’t one of them ?. Getting criticism, especially unfounded criticism, is often the best vindication anyone can receive. 

Thank goodness for that! We can all take your criticisms and downright offensiveness towards fellow Bears with a pinch of salt. For the record, you do not represent Glasgow Rangers and our fans. Lots share your views but lots don’t. 



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I just read another one of Dornan's emails.  It seems, as well as doing everything in his power to halt the fan zone, he also suffers from illiteracy.   He uses 'their' instead of 'there' and his use of punctuation and capitalisation are laughable.


Well, it would be laughable if he wasn't an elected representative.  As things stand, it's just downright disappointing and sadly predictable.


Hopefully Scotland wakes up at some point.  

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56 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

I just read another one of Dornan's emails.  It seems, as well as doing everything in his power to halt the fan zone, he also suffers from illiteracy.   He uses 'their' instead of 'there' and his use of punctuation and capitalisation are laughable.


Well, it would be laughable if he wasn't an elected representative.  As things stand, it's just downright disappointing and sadly predictable.


Hopefully Scotland wakes up at some point.  

I agree with you there.  He deserves to be kicked out of office for his illiteracy alone.  Those were shocking emails for anyone in such a position.  So much for successive governments talking about education, education, education.  Maybe they should start by improving standards closer to home first.


Going back to this matter at hand though, I've not heard or read anything new in a couple of days now.  Have I missed anything?  I was hoping a resignation or seven would have occurred by now.

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I don't think any resignation letters have been submitted or investigations have commenced.  There's certainly been no reports of such occurrences. 


I can't say I'm surprised.   Dornan and Aitken will slink into the shadows, in the hope that it's soon forgotten.  But they will remain in their posts.  


Tims (Celtic fans) have a tendency not to take responsibility for their mistakes or crimes.  One wonders where they picked up this trait (I'd wager the state funded faith schools we all pay for do their bit).  A penchant for victimhood is something our rivals share with the SNP.  

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34 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

A penchant for victimhood is something our rivals share with the SNP.  

That’s almost inevitable, since they both spawn in the same fetid stank.

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