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40 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:


Beating Killie on the last day of the season in 2011

Beating the tims in the league cup final 2011

Winning the league cup in 2010 with 9 men

Stevie G becoming our manager



Too many to mention

You've already mentioned many of my highs so I agree with you.  I have to say that progressing into the group stages of the Europa league was also a big moment for me.  It really felt like we were back.


As for the lows, I really don't want to think about it too much.  The fact that so many diddy players got to wear our shirt over the past few years is just painful.  I'm treating it like that shower scene in Dallas where it turns out Bobby's death and subsequent series were just a nightmare.  Apologies to the younger bears (and to those who have a life and didnt watch Dallas) who won't understand this reference.

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Finally getting to see the Hedge, at Brechin.

Standing in the snow at Berwick.

Beating Maribor in the qualifiers.

Taking my wee boy to his first match.




Alloa (more than once).

Ramsdens Cup Final (lowest I've ever felt supporting Rangers).

Scottish Cup Final 2016.

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