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A Tale of Ewing, David, and a Failing Publication.

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It's nice to know he's a Bowie fan.  Bowie, who publicly supported Scotland remaining part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and wore a Union Flag jacket on an album cover.

Edited by Gonzo79
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...."He saved ra Sellik by finding Fergus, he ate the biled ham raw, he licked the perspiration from the shuch of Bowie's ar-se, he'll milk the pea from a Jesuit pod, ...... etc."


26th of Foot may say what he wishes, but the fellow in question very seldom kicked his maw. 

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Today, Sellik - minded freelance Journo, Ewing Grahame is in the Scottish Sun presenting another unbiased piece of subjective comment. Roger Mitchell, remember him? Ex-SPL Chief is today's confidant, and he is willing to articulate the very real concerns of SPFL Board members and their families. Now, Roger cannot compete in Sellik aristocracy stakes alongside David Low, he has to be content with regularly trolling Rangers supporters from his current home in Italy and occasionally begging Peter to recognise he was quite important, once. 


Roger is rawking 'Empathy', he knows SPFL Board members who are finding it difficult to recover from the SPFL Good Friday vote. The levels of intimidation, hate mail, and online venom were such, SERIOUS contingency plans were being made for themselves and families. The extent of the resulting fear has created a mindset where several cannot wait to step down and enter their safe houses. Roger assures the readership that these are decent people, he knows because he has sat beside many of them in the Walfrid Suite.


Further, there's no use in talking to these entrenched fans on the sidelines; again he knows because, "I experienced it from both sides of the Glasgow divide". Amazingly, he is agreeing with fellow Establishment Man, Stuart Cosgrove; I suspect they both attended the same Hollicom briefing? Thus, SPFL Board members and families are suffering from unquantifiable emotional incontinence from shady sidelined forces, oh the angst! Let's hope Peter allows these decent people to step down?


Next week, Ewing will interview big, big Sellik man, Jim. No names, no pack drill, Jim is exasperated at the lack of recognition, given the very real sacrifices he made for the Separate Entity. 

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I note Ewing's interview with Roger has been picked up by the Times. The Thunderer includes more quotes from 'the Don' and quelle surprise, Roger thinks Rangers case against the SPFL's maladministration was thwarted by Rangers supporters :


"Mitchell, who was in charge of the elite division between 1998 and 2002, believes Rangers could have prevailed but he believes the behaviour of some of their supporters during the dispute was unacceptable. If Rangers had delivered their case for an independent investigation properly, they would have had a compelling argument to make. However, I personally know there are SPFL Board members who cannot wait for the minute they are allowed to step down because they have gone through hell in the last few weeks and months".


You may notice the utilisation of the user name, 'the Don'? This is germane to Roger's next quote, "Fans and media sometimes underestimate the consequences of stoking up a story. Are you surprised? Spend half an hour on supporters' websites and you'll see how bad the situation is. People ramp up the flames because it sells newspapers and gets radio audiences".


One of the most strident posters on both the Rangers Tax Case Blog and Charlotte Fakes was, 'The Don'. Clearly, an insider with a lot of inside knowledge. Any and every glowing ember received a gallon of petrol courtesy of the Don. Most contributors believed the Don was dearest Roger, and he has never denied it. Ironic, isn't it? 

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