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2 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

People are just making stuff up.  Unless someone official says something, I'm ignoring it.  

Getting monotonous already----when are. OUR football matches back not stuff from the dessert.

Edited by MacK1950
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6 minutes ago, Whosthedado said:

I'm quite happy for there not to be a Rangers game in the next few weeks 

Wish the WC lasted a lot longer, in all honesty.  A few weeks off from watching Rangers feels like a relief.  

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2 hours ago, DMAA said:

As a fan, I can express frustration when I am increasingly frustrated. What I can’t do as a fan is “contribute” in any way to where we go from here. 

In previous eras, those marvellous days of cash at the turnstiles, and standing on the terracing, fans could certainly influence affairs, by the simple expedient of voting with the feet, staying away to demonstrate their disgruntlement, thus hitting the cash flow.  Amazingly, this did not require any organization, at all (and, after the 1976 Licensing Law reforms, folk could stay in the boozer on a Saturday afternoon, watching the racing and the Rugby League).

Nowadays, the season ticket money is already 'in', and may not be withdrawn, at least not with any ease.

It seems to me difficult, let's say emotionally, for the fan to disengage from other initiatives set up, ostensibly, to reward 'loyalty' but operating by hoovering more money from his wallet, with the benefit to him of being allowed to spend even more money on more tickets.

The days of consumer sovereignty -if you don't like, don't buy- are, for the most part history. 


Timothy, riots.

I am not sure that this is an acceptable option for the 'vast majority' of the support. 


Thus, the notion of having a supporters' group, or company, owning shares has attraction, and is, at face value, and all other things being equal, a good way to ensure influence at boardroom level. The present personification of this, looking from the outside, seems to have suffered from, ahem, misdirection, and may have, effectively, queered the pitch for such initiatives for some time. More intrigue, jealousies, personal ambitions, manipulations, maladroitness, backstabbing, etc.  than there is in the Tory Party is not a 'good look'.


The options left involve 'demonstrations' before and during matches,  boycotting particular match(es), which has its own difficulties, as we know, 'campaigns' in the media, particularly social media. Whether a Board would pay such initiatives, especially the social media stuff, any attention, whatsoever, is moot. 


Ultimately, with the finacial levers no longer significant, and with the fan shareholding vehicle unrepresentative, stuck up its own fundament and feeling the need to yodel to and fro with consummate  shit stirrer, all that is left are the various outlets for outrage, and these are channels only for opinion. To harness them requires a congruence of that opinion, and organisation of it, and therein lie the difficulties.

Has the support reached the tipping point of opinion on whether or not to ditch the Dutch? I am inclined to the view (although standing to be corrected, of course) that the answer is, despite how awful the season has been, generally, in the negative. If such opinion can be measured, can the support act in concert? What does experience tell us? 


Of course, if all was going swimmingly (and even allowing for the customary plethora of views on what 'swimmingly' means and entails), gey few would be complaining, and even fewer demanding change. 








Edited by Uilleam
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An organised protest aimed at stopping additional income to the club would quickly be felt. i.e. fans agree not to purchase anything in the stadium on match days; programmes; boycott merchandise etc, but we all know that would be impossible to organise with a fanbase like ours. Other than protests, that's the only influence we as fans really have now once season tickets are sold.

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Marcel Van Der Kraan (Dutch sports editor) on SSN

“Gio aware or unrest among the fans but injuries are playing a big part. Gio on the understanding that he will be there after the world cup and knows he needs to work hard with the players.”


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