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Appreciation from a southerner

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Morning all, I felt compelled to post and convey my utter respect and admiration for Rangers and you guys, the incredible fans, after watching the best, and one that will not be beaten, tribute to our late majesty, Elizebeth II. 

the fact the club played the national anthem anyway and gave UEFA a massive 2 finger salute was brilliant in itself. 

As the thread title suggests, I’m from Southampton, a massive Saints fan and season ticket holder for over 25 years. But Glasgow Rangers are what I would consider my “second team”. I watch a much of the games as possible, and despise those idiots on the other side of Glasgow as much as I do those 6 fingered skates in Portsmouth. 

Rangers and you lot did the UK proud last night and are a credit to the union. Why that evil little troll has to keep peddling her independence rhetoric is beyond me. We are stronger together and our late Queen knew this. She had such a strong affection for Scotland and it’s people, and by passing at Balmoral she has I feel managed to unite our 2 people and reinforce the union no end. 

So, to finish, what an incredible set of supporters you all are, I do not know anyone down south that do not admire and respect Rangers. 

p.s thank you for Abribo, he.is.class! 

A southerner who holds your club and fans in the highest regard. 

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