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Big Jock Knew...

Guest Nervous Bear

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Guest Nervous Bear

While I am always keen on winding up our less fortunate City rivals, I am begining to wonder if the Big Jock Knew campaign is taking things a bit too far. There have been many shifty cross-eyed bastirts who have made a living at Celtic Park over the years, but Jock Stein was not one of them. The stick with which to beat Celtic fans with on Stein, is his sectarian exclusion from the board of directors at the Piggery. What are your thoughts on Big Jock Knew, a good laugh or a step too far?

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While I am always keen on winding up our less fortunate City rivals, I am begining to wonder if the Big Jock Knew campaign is taking things a bit too far. There have been many shifty cross-eyed bastirts who have made a living at Celtic Park over the years, but Jock Stein was not one of them. The stick with which to beat Celtic fans with on Stein, is his sectarian exclusion from the board of directors at the Piggery. What are your thoughts on Big Jock Knew, a good laugh or a step too far?


Ask the kids who were abused if Jock Stein's knowing of the abuse (and doing very little) isn't worthy of highlighting. Jock Stein (to his credit) sacked Torbett but he said NOTHING to the authorities and Torbett was then reinstated in the Boys Club.


I think a few fair-minded journalists have said that there does need to be a debate on this subject where others tell lies to claim that we are the bad guys in this situation.


It has been proven in court that Jock Stein knew about the abuse - in fact Billy McNeil said that this was 'an open secret' - indicating that most people employed at Parkhead knew about systamtic child abuse and to their eternal shame, lied, covered this up and didn't inform the authorities.


BTW, as far as I am aware, Celtc have NEVER apologised to the children (now adults) who suffered abuse whilst in their care.


Cammy F


Cammy F

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The OP asks for thoughts on the whole Big Jock Knew thing


Those are my views


what's the problem?


Well, whats the problem with my views? I believe that this is the biggests scandel to hit Scottish football and SHOULD be up for debate. We shouldn't have journos telling us it is bordering on sectarianism.


As for singing Big Jock Knew - its a personal choice - it isn't sectarian, it isn't offensive, it isn't racist - before anyone says it isn't football related, I know it isn't but come on, there are plenty of songs sung around football that aren't football related.


I personally don't sing it, but wouldn't shout anyone down for singing it.


Cammy F

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It could very well be offensive to those who were abused - has a thought ever been given to whether or not they would rather not be reminded of it ?


on the other hand, I am sure they are offended by the fact that Celtc failed them in their hour of need and certain Celtc employess lied (on TV) when interviewed about Torbett and his actions. In fact, one went as far as to say that a 'make believe' Boys Club tourny was in fact, fact - when in reality, it was a rouse by Torbett to gain access and time alone with those he abused.


Maybe they people who were abused, let down, potrayed as the enemy and the wrong-doers would be offended by the fact that Celtc continued to give Torbett's business financail backing when he was in jail for abusing kids (by renewing contracts with The Trophy Centre).


Maybe they find it offensive that this whole sordid affair has been swepted under the carpet when in fact, it is possibly Scotlands Real Seceret Shame?


Cammy F

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on the other hand, I am sure they are offended by the fact that Celtc failed them in their hour of need and certain Celtc employess lied (on TV) when interviewed about Torbett and his actions. In fact, one went as far as to say that a 'make believe' Boys Club tourny was in fact, fact - when in reality, it was a rouse by Torbett to gain access and time alone with those he abused.




Cammy F


Agree with Cammy here. Its similar to the 9/11 situation where the media claims the families of the victims dont want to hear any conspiracy challenging the official lies but this is nonsense. A huge percentage of families (who have refused pay offs) are all for re-opening the investigation.


So im sure the families involved here may be offended by this being swept under the carpet. If it was me personally id be more angry with CFC rather than anything else.

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You obviously could be right Cammy - but is it really OUR responsibility to highlight it or should it be the responsibility of those abused and their families ?


It isn't as clean cut as any of us wish to believe - but the one thing I am quite sure of is that Rangers fans are using it as a points scoring exercise and that leaves a bad taste in this bear's mouth.

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