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Big Jock Knew...

Guest Nervous Bear

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If this isn't a points scoring exercise then I just wonder how many of those fans at Ibrox on a Saturday that sing about "Big Jock Knowing" have actually taken this to their MP or their local constabulary....


I would bet the number would be very close to zero.


Which makes it a points scoring exercise in my opinion.


If the issue is to be raised why is it that Rangers fans are choosing to do it at a game rather than through the normal channels ?


Simply put, IN MY OPINION, it is a points scoring exercise and it makes US look bad.


Also.... just what is being achieved by singing this song ? Is it actually raising awareness ? Is anything being done about the crimes ? Are the abused thankful for the reminders ??


I would suggest that very little good has come of us singing these songs and "raising the issue".

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what is it that big jock knew exactly cammy? the full sentence of which that song is an abbreviation goes like "big jock knew about the child abuse and did nothing about it" - so to say it is not about child abuse is ridiculous. thats without the further pathetic underlying assumption, which is "isnt it great because it take one of their legends and shames them", "lets jump and sing and dance about someones knowledge of paedophilic activities". not jumping on ridiculous little faux moral bandwagons like this is what differentiates from them - the very thing that, until now, stopped us being moronic hypocrites like them. bjk can gtf as far as i`m concerned, and so can everyone who has jumped through all those little mental hoops (sic) to come to the conclusion they are fighting an injustice, or letting the truth be known. they are rank hypocrites of the worst sort.

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Simply put, IN MY OPINION, it is a points scoring exercise and it makes US look bad.


Also.... just what is being achieved by singing this song ? Is it actually raising awareness ? Is anything being done about the crimes ? Are the abused thankful for the reminders ??




Its typical, a celtic crime makes Rangers look bad.


IMO its only the ned type who sing it who looks bad and all Rangers fans cant be classed in that category.


TBH, if anything comes out of this singing of it, then awareness does come out. For e.g when this was first mentioned on these boards there was a few posters (myself included) who was made aware of what exactly it meant.


But as I said there will be plenty of normal Gers fans like Cammy who dont get offended by it but can let it go. (Unless Cammy has transferred from Punk to a bucky drinking Ned ;) )

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Its typical, a celtic crime makes Rangers look bad.


IMO its only the ned type who sing it who looks bad and all Rangers fans cant be classed in that category.


TBH, if anything comes out of this singing of it, then awareness does come out. For e.g when this was first mentioned on these boards there was a few posters (myself included) who was made aware of what exactly it meant.


But as I said there will be plenty of normal Gers fans like Cammy who dont get offended by it but can let it go. (Unless Cammy has transferred from Punk to a bucky drinking Ned ;) )


As buba said... it is nothing to do with us and I think those who see it as "raising the issue" are trying to justify and sanitise the real reasons why it is being sung.


I wouldn't class all Rangers fans in that category but you are guilty by association when it comes to football chants - much like "EffTeePee" - not everyone sang it but we all are guilty by association.


Anyone that thinks singing Big Jock Knew at Ibrox is a good thing is fooling themselves

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As buba said... it is nothing to do with us and I think those who see it as "raising the issue" are trying to justify and sanitise the real reasons why it is being sung.


I wouldn't class all Rangers fans in that category but you are guilty by association when it comes to football chants - much like "EffTeePee" - not everyone sang it but we all are guilty by association.


Anyone that thinks singing Big Jock Knew at Ibrox is a good thing is fooling themselves


I agree again with most Craig but i think everybody sang "EffTeePee" and the Billy Boys but we just never put any more worth on it than oneupmanship. Yes there will be people that take these thing serious but for the most it is just the done thing.

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pete *** is a million times more justifiable than this nonsense. everyone sings it because its just a great song with a great tune - thats the pitty. but every time we sing it we make ourselves a million times more like them, and thats what i cant handle.

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Time for Rangers to break BJK silence


It truly beggars belief that a sizable and unfortunate section of the Rangers support have come up with a regular terracing song about a child sex abuse case. Today at Falkirk, where Rangers are due to play, will doubtless be the latest Scottish ground to be polluted with this dirge.


Some of you may be aware by now of this excruciating embarrassment for Rangers known as the “Big Jock Knew” campaign (henceforth BJK). The chant, which has been fomented among the usual victims on a fans’ website and by certain Rangers supporters groups leaders, refers to a Celtic Boys Club controversy of more than 30 years ago.


The episode shocked Jock Stein, then the Celtic manager, when he was informed about it. Yet this Rangers song, as factually flawed and repellent as it is, tries to infer that Stein either condoned or attempted to cover-up the incident, which is nonsense.


I have to admit I never thought I’d ever see the day when Scottish football supporters sang a song about a child sex abuse case, yet Rangers have duly delivered. Even more amazing and shocking is Rangers FC’s ongoing silence on the matter, as this cretinous chant builds up its head of steam among supporters.


In the Scottish media we have tried to help Rangers by not quoting the subject in our pages, giving the club the chance for once to be proactive rather than reactive to misconduct among their less-fortunate followers. But those days of our silence on BJK are drawing to a close for one good reason – the longer this deafening silence from Ibrox about it prevails, the more decent people are starting to agitate for Rangers to actually do something about it.


Gordon Smith, the SFA chief executive, had the guts and the moral fibre to refer to BJK as “morally repugnant”. Yet what have Rangers got to say about it? Does no one at the club actually possess the bottle to stand up and condemn it?


BJK is now a ticking time-bomb for Rangers. It is The Billy Boys all over again and I am frankly amazed that the club hasn’t learnt lessons from their recent past and their prosecution by Uefa. Unless Rangers do something and act strongly, this proud but benighted club is once more going to be stung.


Britneys view on it !!!

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spiers can gtf. if its bad to get pleasure out of paedophilia, its worse to sell papers over sensationally decrying it. i cant agree with spiers on principle. almost makes me want to start singing it :P

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