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Tommy Burns cancer has returned.

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I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy. I lost my sister-in-law recently to skin cancer. Skin and bone cancer are probably the worst kinds of cancer.


All the best Tommy.

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Lost my dad to it 15 years ago when I was only 18 and one of my mates to it only last year. In both cases they were riddled with tumours when diagnosis finally came through. In my dads case he was dead within 7 months...my m8 lasted almost 18 months due to the advancement in medicine to 'control' the tumours. It is a terrible 'disease' with so many varients which really needs more money donated to research to find a cure.


As for Tommy, he's beaten it before and I hope he beats it again. Believe his was a melonoma variant, surprised more ex pro footballers haven't been diagnosed with them.




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