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Walter's ill-informed outburst riles the decent, web-savvy fan

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Walter Smith’s recent outburst decrying Rangers fans for spouting bile on websites has come as a huge slap in the face for decent majority of Rangers fans who use modern technology to discuss the club they support and allow them the freedom to express opinions and facts to fellow supporters.


His words seem clich�©d from other sources, such as those that have a perpetual agenda against Rangers fans, and the press who fuel this as it is easy to sensationalise twisted, negative interpretations of Rangers fans actions to sell newspapers with highly provocative headlines.


It seems obvious to some he has been press-ganged into making this statement to give an impression that Rangers are actively fighting what to some self interested quarters is perceived as a great social issue. However, it is also obvious that he is very ignorant of the facts and has not personally experienced any of the forums that he is quick to demonise.


He is jumping on a bandwagon he knows nothing about and allowing himself to be influenced by what is clearly a propaganda exercise. The anti-web slant could also be influenced by the fact that the freedom of exchange of knowledge and opinions, had allowed many supporters to be far more informed about the running of the club as well as clearing up many misconceptions. This has subsequently led to a melt-down of his employer’s popularity among the general support, making life for Sir David Murray much more difficult and less enjoyable.


The recent pressure on the chairman to answer difficult questions at the AGM is an example, showing a complete contrast to the stage managed, party convention-esque affairs of the past, that used to massage his ego.


It’s no wonder the once greatly admired figurehead would like to eradicate his dissidents, and demonising them and their communications medium is a first step.


I'm sure there are plenty of bigots on around the forums for all clubs but I'm even more sure from experience, that by far the majority are very decent. To hit out at fans and slander the majority for simply communicating with other is ludicrous and only serves to alienate a huge number of good fans who feel totally insulted.


Not only that Walter’s comments also seem to be lacking in any understanding of the medium and what the fans are actually saying, chanting or singing. He should learn this before making ill informed comments and when he does comment, he should word it carefully to be targeted instead of tarring so many with the same brush. He needs to be clear who and what he is talking about and give proper and valid examples.


There are countless Celtic fans who seem to take offence at pretty much EVERYTHING Rangers fans do or say, and actively look for ways to interpret everything in an offensive light, and then report them to whatever authorities they can get to listen to them.


This is then taken up by the media and blown out of all proportion. What no-one does is stop to think what the words of chants and songs, actually mean - what is the intention and what they are aimed at? No-one even thinks to actually ask Rangers fans these kind of questions: as demonstrated on a BBC news article about what is being labelled the “Famine Song,” where a highly offended leader a Celtic supporters group was interviewed, but no Rangers supporter who actually sang the song was questioned.


The reporters were happy to tell the public what the song was about without any inside knowledge of the semantics which, when looked at objectively, are too sparse and ambiguous to interpret without proper understanding of the context. But as they say, “Why let the truth get in the way of a good story.”


Unfortunately, it seems that it is this style of reporting that Rangers officials are acquiring all their knowledge of the subject from.


The powers at be at Ibrox subsequently seem to have no finger on the pulse and come across as not only a bit dim at times, but totally out of touch as well as lacking any interest or sensitivity to where the fans are coming from.


Comments like Walter’s really need to be fully informed and highly qualified, instead of woolly demonising using clichÃ?©d buzz words, presented to him with prejudiced views either designed to harm the reputation of Rangers fans, or to sell sensationalised news stories.


I always believe that you cannot criticise anyone unless you have some understanding of what they are actually doing and what their motivations really are.


For those who are interested, the Famine song is a satirical reference to the strange way that Scottish Celtic supporters with British passports rebrand themselves as Irish, and falsely claim to be descendents of immigrants that came from Ireland due to the famine. This is despite the fact that immigration from Ireland was very low during that terrible and very sad disaster.


Their songs contain irrelevant references to the famine and many other songs attack the United Kingdom as a country. The Famine song reminds them that although they hate the UK, they no-longer need to live here if they don’t want to, as their reason for leaving their beloved homeland no longer applies.


Basically the song takes the Mick out of “Plastic Paddies” who claim to hate their own country. How that can be interpreted as sectarian or racist is beyond me - even if “Plastic Paddy” was a bona fide religion or race, effectively saying, “It’s ok now, you can go home,” is about the most gentle of rebukes you will encounter in a football stadium.


For those that pick up on the word "famine", and tell us that Rangers fans are sick for mentioning it, are only displaying the same kind of over-sensitivity that had people decrying "Baa Baa Black Sheep" as racist.


I used to think WS was a wise and intelligent man, but now he appears like an old sheep or out of touch senior citizen, who believes whatever propaganda is put in front of him.


The club should definitely be fighting against real sectarianism, but patronising lip service is never going to work and only going to wind up the decent fans and even have a negative effect on the less enlightened minority who verge on casual 90 minute bigotry.


You will never get anyone to change for the better by chastising them when they know they have done nothing wrong. You will only succeed in insulting their intelligence.


Proper dialogue is necessary between the club and fans on these issues, as well as an extensive, open-minded, national debate that clarifies the real demarcation between sectarianism and what is just club rivalry.

Edited by calscot
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WOW, some read Calscot. Well written and very hard to argue with any of the points you have made.


Will things change? I very much doubt it unfortunately. Does it make sense? No, not in my opinion!

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