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Deal ends Novo's Scotland hopes

Guest Jum Spence

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There seems a contradiction here for playing non-Scots. We seem to want to play them because we're proud of our country and so want our football team to do well. However, if we're proud of our country shouldn't want people who actually see themselves as Scots. who choose Scotland first to represent us?


Nacho Novo doesn't see himself as Scottish and if he had a cap offer from Spain he'd forget all about our national team.


Playing players like Nacho would only really be cheating ourselves as well as deluding ourselves.


Those that want to play him should ask themselves what they think the national team is really about...

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There seems a contradiction here for playing non-Scots. We seem to want to play them because we're proud of our country and so want our football team to do well. However, if we're proud of our country shouldn't want people who actually see themselves as Scots. who choose Scotland first to represent us?


Nacho Novo doesn't see himself as Scottish and if he had a cap offer from Spain he'd forget all about our national team.


Playing players like Nacho would only really be cheating ourselves as well as deluding ourselves.


Those that want to play him should ask themselves what they think the national team is really about...


Very true.


Our biggest rivals are England yet we seem to be OK about letting them play for us :confused:

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Wondering if anyone would prefer we gave MacCormack a chance before Novo - after all he's scored about 9 goals this season already. Another dangers is that playing foreigners could be to the detriment of our younger players.


Always thought MacCormack would be a decent player...

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Wondering if anyone would prefer we gave MacCormack a chance before Novo - after all he's scored about 9 goals this season already. Another dangers is that playing foreigners could be to the detriment of our younger players.


Always thought MacCormack would be a decent player...


Can't stand the wee Celtic loving tosser, but if it was someone else then I'd agree.

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Not sure if I did contradict myself - hate Matt Elliott as much as you.


Sorry, I thought you meant bloodline was OK with you.


And I'm not too sure about being brought up in Scot. - is Andrew Driver eligible? Born in England, played all his footy in Scotland?


I don't think he is eligible either but if it was up to me people who'd lived here most of their lives would be a better shout (i.e. 'more' Scottish, if you will) than those who've never been here but have Scottish grannies.

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The idea of bloodlines should be the only way to represent your country ?, what about someone who moves to Scotland as a kid and grows up here and has a Scottish accent and calls Scotland his home ?,surely they are entitled to represent Scotland as their home country!!

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Where did John Barnes fit into this agreement?


Exactly and then you can also say Terry Butcher (Singapore), Shaun Maloney (Malaysia), Richard Gough (South Africa).....which are different all the players who have played for Scotland who were born down south. Wasnt even The Goalie born in Oldham?


Its all about this bloodline thing, ok most if the players ive mentioned have relations in the other home nations. But what if Novo's children are born in Scotland - that gives him a reverse bloodline does it not!


Its a tough one to call and there has to be a line drawn somewhere

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Gribz, I think all of them had the right parents/grandparents but John Barnes had no bloodline. Born in Jamaica but moved to England as a boy. He only qualified in the same way Novo could with the only difference that he was a youth when he arrived.


He could have also played for Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.


Gough had a Scottish father, Swedish mother, was born in Sweden and brought up in South Africa. I'm pretty sure his father brought him up to "feel" Scottish. He could have probably played for Sweden, South Africa or England, but chose Scotland first and foremost. So to, me he qualifies on three counts - parent, feels Scottish and chooses Scotland first. Novo fails on all three counts.


I'm sure Goram had Scottish parents also but was born in Lancashire. He also feels Scottish and could easily have played for England at a time when they were struggling for a good keeper. He also chose to play for Scotland at cricket. So again he passes on all three counts - Scottish parents, feels Scottish and chose Scotland first - twice.


Anyone who passes those three tests is fine with me. Fail the latter two and you can bugger off, pass the latter two and have a grandparent or be brought up in Scotland then I might agree. John Barnes actually probably passes there.


So I think the latter two are the most important - feeling Scottish and choosing Scotland first. (That would also reject McGeedy.) Novo doesn't pass and neither did the donkey, Matt Elliot.

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