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we could be in big trouble

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Were you at Sunday's game, were you singing the so called offensive songs knowing it would put our Club in the news for all the wrong reasons ?

If you were, was this in the best interests of the Club or was it simply to enhance your own reputation as a "Tim Hater"

And by the way explain nouveau supporter ? Does that mean anyone who has supported the Club for about 45 years ? If it does, I'm your man, if not shut up and visit reality now and again.


I noticed you gave Frankie thanks for posting GeneralCartmanLee's article about Alan Dick. Yet you still have a go at the very Rangers fans who are to be the subject of his report? The contradictions are piling up.

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Were you at Sunday's game, were you singing the so called offensive songs knowing it would put our Club in the news for all the wrong reasons ?

If you were, was this in the best interests of the Club or was it simply to enhance your own reputation as a "Tim Hater"

And by the way explain nouveau supporter ? Does that mean anyone who has supported the Club for about 45 years ? If it does, I'm your man, if not shut up and visit reality now and again.


I like an articulate debate, not playing mongo in a china shop with someone who repeatedly contradicts himself and who thinks he has a point to make but can't quite turn suppressed aggression into meaningful expression. Did you have anything useful to add or are you simply having a bad day? Because if you're going to throw down gauntlets like that around here you'd better be able to pull together some kind of defence other than hurling insults.

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I should probably ask what you mean by "tim hater" before I comment further. Celtic hater?


If you are calling celtic, " tims " then I do the same myself. But as we were on the subject of religion I assumed it was the religious " tim " which has attached itself as being synonymous with celtic.

We can't turn back time and go back to the 60s and 70s when everyone gave as good as they got. More than a few times I was chased by celtic fans and we also chased them. I can't remember anyone being caught. But there was never hatred in the true sense of the word.

Nowadays, all clubs are dependent on the media, whether we like it or not.

Therefore bad publicity should be avoided.

I can assure you I have always despised celtic and especially how they have infiltrated influential positions in media,business and government, and then went on to use this influence to further there own gain.

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I've followed Rangers through good times and bad but as I said to Norris we can't turn back the clock and act as we used to. Any of the so called inflammatory songs which were supposed to have been sung on Sunday were nothing compared to what used to be sung, and that was with only the width of wired mesh separation. Sure there were incidents but rarely anything too serious.

That was then, this is now. Media everywhere just waiting to report anything considered controversial. I can't change this and neither can you. I don't like it but its here and that's a fact. It can make you and it can break you.


I'm totally fed up with celtic always being portrayed as the poor wee hurtit souls, I just think to match their ira chants etc with ones of our own is just giving them to chance to enhance this illusion.

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I noticed you gave Frankie thanks for posting GeneralCartmanLee's article about Alan Dick. Yet you still have a go at the very Rangers fans who are to be the subject of his report? The contradictions are piling up.


How is that a contradiction? I think one can ask for a fair judicial system while condemning those of your own who misbehave, no?


How hard is that to understand?


There are many rules we disagree with but when you deliberately disobey them and put the success of the football team you say you support and the enjoyment of others in jeopardy, then just what kind of person are you?


Your kind of thinking is allows others to ridicule us, they say that instead of acknowledging we do anything wrong we childishly complain that "they do it too", just how is that going to help?

Edited by calscot
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Well, surely we should look to highlight that influence and counter it.


Who will stand up and expose it ? Murray certainly won't risk it.

Is it marxist thought which suggests that the media must be controlled in order to promote agenda? Until we have at least an equal foothold in the press which is unafraid to print it as it is, we will always be left holding the shitty end of the stick while everything across the City looks wonderful.

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I'm not your friend, let's be clear about that. You are everything I detest about the nouveau Rangers fan. Crass, over-opinionated, foul-mouthed, inconsistent, instantly apologetic and ludicrously beligerent. Criticising people who fit your description a whole lot less than you do yourself.


Now THAT is a whopping contradiction. You say you hate "self loathers" and those who hate their own, and yet you admit yourself that you hate a section of Rangers support - not only that, take it to it's logical conclusion, as you hate people who hate sections of Rangers fans, so you are saying you hate yourself. That means you are a self loather and funnily enough you already said you hate them...


You're running after your tail so fast you're going to bite it off.


You also hate Rangers' owner, chief executive, manager and quite a few players.


Your hatred towards so many things Rangers suggests Tim-hater is a poor description of you. You quite simply seem to hate Rangers instead.


You also gloat when we lose and complain when we win or draw and even say you'll be happy if we lose the league.


Then you criticise those who seem to have Rangers best interests at heart.


You may be devoting a lot of your life to Rangers, but I see little evidence that it is for the club's betterment.

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Who will stand up and expose it ? Murray certainly won't risk it.

Is it marxist thought which suggests that the media must be controlled in order to promote agenda? Until we have at least an equal foothold in the press which is unafraid to print it as it is, we will always be left holding the shitty end of the stick while everything across the City looks wonderful.


Murray and Bain have already dipped their toes into the debate via some comments suggesting the situation is unfair.


Obviously these comments have not been strong enough so they should do more.


As should the fans.

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