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SPL website - WTF is this

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While looking for statistics on the SPL website I came across this.


WTF is Helicopter Thursday?


We coin the phrase helicopter Sunday for Eck's last day title win where the helicopter changed direction.


There was no change of direction in the helicopter last season. Unfortunately thanks to the SPL they were in the driving seat on the final day but didn't bottle it.


WHy gloss over the real "helicopter" title win but then steal the phrase for their own where it doesn't fit??? Merely says McDonal double seals final twist. Pathetic bunch.

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While looking for statistics on the SPL website I came across this.


WTF is Helicopter Thursday?


We coin the phrase helicopter Sunday for Eck's last day title win where the helicopter changed direction.


There was no change of direction in the helicopter last season. Unfortunately thanks to the SPL they were in the driving seat on the final day but didn't bottle it.


WHy gloss over the real "helicopter" title win but then steal the phrase for their own where it doesn't fit??? Merely says McDonal double seals final twist. Pathetic bunch.


I believe the term 'Helicopter Thursday' was coined by former Sellik Bhoys Club supremo, Jim Torbett.


He had a standing open invitation to all his young charges to attend his dingy flat in Sighthill on a Thursday afternoon. There was considerable uptake on this offer by the likes of Alan Brazil, desperate to experience rides on the big chopper.

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I know it maybe seems a bit pathetic on my part. Particularly in this current tit for tat climate, their are bigger priorities. But seriously how truly sad and pathetic are their fans.


Where does helicopter Thursday even fit with their title.


They were always in charge, no change of direction, no classic line of commentary.


It is embarrassing for them. I actually emailed the website to ask if they would correct their website.


Is there anything they wont try and steal.

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The cherry on the Helicopter Sunday cake, is that the term, 'the helicopter is changing direction' comes from Radio Snyde Head of Sport, Peter(surely that should be Bitter?) Martin's heart felt commentary that Sunday afternoon. Bitter remains most uncomfortable that many a t-shirt bears the slogan that reminds him of his hooped heroes bottle crashing.


Good, isn't it?

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Just recalling the events of that day just gave me shivers down my spine.


I recall listening to it on the radio (we didnt have coverage out here) and it was obvious that Rangers and Hibs were playing out the 1-0 as it suited both so when I heard McDonald had scored at Fir Park I nearly went through the roof.


My wee fella was only about 8 months at the time and he was howling because I frightened him so much. After I got over the euphoria (a couple of days....) I actually felt bad that I had done that to him.

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