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Malcolm Murray-Our Chairman

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couple of stories of FF

I was Salmon fishing on the Nith for a few days and when checking out of the hotel in Thornhill on the Saturday morning i spots Malcolm Murray checking out at the same time, anyway we started chatting and he asks me if im going to the game to which i reply i dont have a ticket, he asks me if im driving and tells me to follow him in his car , he says he has to go and see Ally and will get me a ticket then.


So there i am following him and we end up at the Aston hotel in Dumfries where the team are staying, Murray introduces me to Ally, Kenny McD, Ian Black and Jig, he then went in with them for ten minutes where they were about to have lunch, when he came back out he says i will have to follow him into Annan as he had to be there early to make a presentation, i said thats fine but what will happen when we get to the ground, i pointed out that they will have parking for officials etc, He asked what my surname was and said just keep following him, anyway we get to Annans ground and im waived in behind him into a "car park" accross from the ground.


Mr Murray chats to a few people who had been waiting for him, introduces me as his friend and tells me to wait for him and he will get me a ticket. So off he goes, returns ten minutes later and hands me an envolope, he says "theres two tickets in there, im sure you will give the other one to the right person".


Unbelievable, absolutley unbelievable, i look in the envolope , theres two tickets made out to Mr Murray, i decided to go and have a pint and give the other ticket to the first needy Bear i came across, so im standing in the line to use the bog and the guy in front is asking everyone if they have a spare, i give him mine and he insists on buying me a pint, so i join him and his mate who only turns out to be southside shug, who i had never met before(hi Shug)


So there it is a bit long and boring, i never got any info or anything but i did learn that Malcolm Murray is one very good guy




Hi all,

I was travelling up from London last night for the match, and as I was sat in my seat, a gentleman sat next to me and I noticed he was wearing a Rangers blazer. As I looked up from my paper, I recognised the face and asked how he was. The response I got was, well looking at your face you obviously know who I am, are you one of us? I said yeah and I was travelling up for the match and showed him my RFC cufflinksredface.gif


Anyway - as we were dealyed about 20 mins on the run way, I had about 90 mins in this mans company and we spoke about trips abroad with Rangers, games he had been to see, whom his favourite players were from before my time, and who mines were. He asked if I attended matches, and I said yeah home, away, Europe - the lot. He told me about his experiences on Annan, Brechin and Berwick this year as well as Barca, Fiorientina away and the UEFA Cup Final.


We gave our opinions on tactics, players, C.Green, ticket prices, media, marketing, Murray Park, Ibrox, Craig Whyte, the fan base, players, investment, etc.... Spoke very highly of the fighting fund and museum idea which Jin Hannah has discussed with the new regime.


I didn't know a lot about the man - for instance he's had 2 x season books for several years, and still has 2 just now which his friends use in Bar72. He lives in Surrey, but has a home in the highlands. The group he worked for used to own 25% in Man Utd - and from the guys who were in at the start with Man Utd made 26 x their initial stake which is a decent return in any business. He only attended 1/2 dozen games when he was at Man Utd, but has attended more than that this season already with Rangers and his reasoning was because he's a fan, and Man Utd was only business.


Once our flight had landed I asked how he was getting to Ibrox, and he said a taxi - would I like to share. My response, well my auld mans picking me up if you would like a lift - too which he accepted, so we dropped him off on the Broomloan corner at the round about about 50 mins before last nights games.


He was in with potential investors last night - and in his words usually come to nothing, but as Rangers is a very exciting opportunity - people want to be in at the start as our world is getting smaller and we will not be in the lower leagues forever. Flying back to London this afternoon for a meeting on getting Rangers on the stock exchange which is the big project just now and requiring a lot of work - and this did seem to be his strong point!?


Spoke about D.Murray not having many options with Craig Whyte and that the bank were putting massive pressure on getting anyone in to solve the debt. Said he didn't know Charles Green until the Rangers thing came around and that a company named Zeus were the link there...


The man is defintiely a Rangers fan, and has some knowledge of football like every fan does. He is obviously a fairly succesful business man and he spoke pretty openly, and hopefully honestly.


That in-flight chat coupled with the fantastic Rangers performance and atmosphere last night certainly made it a great drive home last night.

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