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Doncaster and Regan: Resign in the Interests of Sporting Integrity

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The consequences of poor leadership have never been so apparent in our national game. Bully-boy tactics and trying to railroad SFL clubs into accepting Rangers into SFL 1 are the new tactics being employed by the SFA’s chief executive, Stewart Regan, and SPL’s chief executive, Neil Doncaster.


Go back to May 2011 and Craig Whyte’s takeover of Rangers; no ‘fit and proper’ checks were carried out. Indeed, Stewart Regan admitted the SFA were ‘obstructed’ by Craig Whyte’s lawyers in obtaining the relevant information. Stewart Regan later admitted that he knew Craig Whyte was not fit for purpose after watching Mark Daly’s documentary on the BBC back in October of 2011.


Just for clarity; I am in no way blaming Regan for what happened with our club, we all know the reasons to that, however, you do have to wonder why Regan never followed up on his checks and forced Craig Whyte to hand over any information asked by the SFA.


Before the 2011/2012 season even began the SFA’s chief executive failed to protect one its member club’s. Could strong leadership have prevented the chaos that envelops Scottish Football? Sporting integrity might have been upheld. Of course there is the small fact Rangers’ outgoing board of directors warned us all about Craig Whyte.


Now as the season progressed we all bared witness to farcical mutterings and amateur decisions by the SFA:


• Failure to deal with one club’s witch hunt against referees after defeat

• Referees’ striking for the first time in our history

• Social media manner being tantamount to agenda driven against one club

• Three clubs calling him a liar over his quote regarding ourselves

• Appellate panel applying sanctions that do not fall within the rules of the SFA

• Court of Session overturning the panel’s decision to apply a transfer embargo

• Bullying member clubs alongside Neil Doncaster

• Abject failure to help a member club in insolvency


Can anyone really tell me this is the actions of a competent leader?


Now we have Neil Doncaster, another so called leader whose job, amongst many goals, is to uphold the integrity of Scotland’s national sport.


Neil Doncaster has skirted around the issue of Rangers in administration, he would rather let the clubs decide what course of action the SPL should go down. Ironically those same clubs let their fans decide whether Rangers should be granted entry into the SPL. Common theme: so called leaders abdicating responsibility.


Instead of taking the bull by the horns we have a chief executive threatening SFL clubs with financial Armageddon if they do not vote Rangers into SFL 1. Subsequently, three clubs have stated the financial penalties are actually the SPL refusing to honour a contractual agreement that’s been in place since the inception of the SPL and SFL. Hmm, integrity? Show me.


So the SFL clubs are now innocent victims in this mess all because of poor leadership and no efficient or robust procedures in place to protect the game. We could perhaps forgive them if Rangers were the first administration case, but we are not, so there are no excuses for the game’s authorities’ to stumble around like a drunk in town on a Saturday night.


We are all aware why the SPL are looking to place Rangers into the SFL 1. We all know it has absolutely nothing to do with sporting integrity, and everything to do with their balance sheets’.


For the betterment of Scottish Football, Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster must resign now. Our national game can no longer tolerate lunatics’ running the asylum.

Edited by Stimpy
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Regan will go sooner rather than later, he knows he has made a sows ear of it.


Doncaster is another matter. He is strong, forceful, confident and a master of the facts. Furthermore he is doing the SPL clubs bidding and doing it well, the fact that he has stretched the truth a few times along the way will not be regarded by them as an issue. If he "wins" the day i.e. Rangers in SFL1 (unlikely at the moment) or he can force through an SPL2 for next season or even find a way to jump Rangers from SFL3 to the SPL in one step (not impossible) then he will be the great hero of the SPL and will preside over the combined league like a Colossus.


Ironically, he has always stated in private meetings that he is PERSONALLY in favour of a 16 team league but that no SPL club would support it. Now the SFL clubs have enough clout to drive it through he may be the beneficiary at the expense of Longmuir who is a very nice, honest, person but no match for Doncaster when the going gets rough and tough.

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Well you've no doubt got some solid insight into Doncaster BH, but to be frank, I think he's little more than a poor politician who repeatedly resorts to rhyming off an extremely basic party line. When asked tough questions about what's been going on in recent months he's done little more than state the simplest, most obvious answer without actually answering the questions put to him most of the time. Budding politicians take note because Doncaster knows how to avoid answering serious questions without losing face.

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Well you've no doubt got some solid insight into Doncaster BH, but to be frank, I think he's little more than a poor politician who repeatedly resorts to rhyming off an extremely basic party line. When asked tough questions about what's been going on in recent months he's done little more than state the simplest, most obvious answer without actually answering the questions put to him most of the time. Budding politicians take note because Doncaster knows how to avoid answering serious questions without losing face.


I have met him on about 10 occasions in the past year and that is the impression I have formed. I'll give you one example, the Scottish Government put him in as Chair of the JRG when you might have thought that Regan was the obvious choice.


Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's bomb proof by any manner of means but he's in a much stronger position than Regan.

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Regan's been a poor CEO at the SFA. It's been one farce after another. However anyone who's done any background on Regan will know it was pretty much the same when he was CEO at Yorkshire CCC. I'd really like to know how he got to be SFA CEO & who recommended him. I think we can guess.

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Guest Bluenose80
Did Leggo not claim that Regan was headhunted by Eric Riley?


Headhunted? Is that another way of saying Yorkshire CCC wanted rid of him and Riley wanted a puppet Celtic could manipulate?

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