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Posts posted by Darthter

  1. First & foremost, I think it's terrible what happened to Anthony Stokes' house....


    However, after looking at the piccie of his hoose in the Record, it appears that the house is called "Windsor Lodge"....anyone else find it amusing that Mr Stokes in residing in a Lodge???? :)

  2. Great blog Chris and I agree with Frankie you should be posting this to Celtic,Uefa the police,the SNP and anyone else who may listen.


    so....possibly none of the above then!!!


    I find it amazing that a normal punter can put together a well written piece of journalism which isn't sensationalist, sticks 100% to the intended story and provides evidence to back up any points made.....yet the vast number of "professional" journalist are unable to do this.

  3. According to the SPL boss....a penalty of 10 points, and only 10 point would be incurred. There is no precedent of any further punishment and the SFL has different procedures & rules surrounding Administration.


    Neil Doncaster repeated this several times during the week while taking part in the Real Radio Football Forum.


    That doesn't mean that Liewell won't TRY to pursue further points punishment.

  4. These teams are in the EPL. If someone were to buy the naming rights to Ibrox then we'd get pennies for it.


    I wouldn't be too sure. Rangers have a huge following world wide. They also get pretty decent exposure on the telly, and normally within Europe.


    Granted, I don't think we would get equal amounts with the EPL, but I believe they could command a decent amount - certainly not pennies!!!

  5. Depends on different aspects I suppose.

    The main thing being that it keeps the fans onside, perhaps being involved in the re-naming.


    Certainly not an emphatic "Naw !" from me.


    Don't think the fans would have a say. It would be who ever wants to sponsor the ground ie. We'll give you £100m per year and your Stadium will become the La Senza Sexy Underware Stadium (for example)

  6. Changing Stadium names due to sponsorship is all over the news at the moment due to Newcastle renaming St James Park to the Sports Direct Stadium.


    What are folks thoughts on this happening with Ibrox???


    Obviously this could prove to be VERY financially beneficial to the club if the correct sponsorship could be found.

  7. According to Transfermarkt.co.uk (here)


    Season 2008/2009:

    Total Spent: £20m

    Total Sold: £11.7m

    Difference: £-9m


    Season 2009/2010:

    Total Spent: £0.44m

    Total Sold: £3.3m

    Difference: £2.87m


    Season 2010/2011:

    Total Spent: £6.4m

    Total Sold: £4.8m

    Difference: £-1.6m


    Season 2011/2012:

    Total Spent: £3m

    Total Sold: £1.7m

    Difference: £-1.3


    Note: the total spend for 2011/12 doesn't include a figure for Matt McKay.

  8. Sorry to cherry-pick calscot, but what if those bankers everyone was so worked up about actually saved the club from administration before the name Whyte had even been heard?


    I think that is a valid point......however, the bank was in control of the situation ie. making sure that it got its money possibly to the detriment of the team at times.


    I think the banks demands etc certainly kept the club functioning in order for a buyer to be found. I think if they weren't so heavily involved the club would have been in a completely different situation.

  9. One simple question if this had been McGregor do think the clamour for him to be sacked would be so loud? I think not.


    IF it had been McGregor, I think the media attention would have increased 10-fold, and the pressure for "positive" action ie. Sack him, would be massive.


    Grant Adam is an unknown - mostly known to the masses as Charlie's brother, yet he still made front page news......imagine the full page spreads there would have been if it was Greegs???? Remember the coverage Boozegate got in the press!!!!


    Rangers need to make the "right" decision once a verdict is passed - this is not necessarily the best decision for the team, but in the eyes of the wider public.

  10. I think it is VERY difficult to judge.


    The guy stepped up to the plate when no-one else did. He's also taken over at a VERY difficult time for the club financially.


    Its true he has made mistakes & errors of judgement so far - and he's admitted it.

    He's taken steps against the media for issues he deems unfair against the club.

    He's enabled investment in the playing squad either through contract renewals/extensions of new players.

    He's tackling the tax case head on.

    He appears to be prudent with his cash ie. not blindly paying a bill from the previous regime without asking questions about it. Same goes for players, he's not willing to pay over the odds.

    He's talking to the fans.


    IMHO, all positives.


    He's very secretive about his wealth - that's his business & no-one elses. Also the other companies he's involved in have not connection to Rangers, so why discuss/disclose info about them.


    His remit is to do the best for RANGERS. His 1st major challenge is the tax case - I'm sure if we come out of it unscathed, a lot of peoples opinions of Mr Whyte will change. I am also sure that once the tax issue is resolved (one way or another) we will see some very positive stuff coming out of Ibrox.


    Given what we know from the previous regime....would you trust them to handle the tax case efficiently???

  11. from a logical business point of view, it makes little sense to put a company out of business.


    Say Rangers lose the case to the tune of £49m....how much of that £49m will HMRC ACTUALLY get???


    However, if HMRC were to cut a deal @ say £10m over say 5 years, that money is guaranteed, as is the ongoing tax income generated from the club since it is still trading etc. It would be a win-win situation all round.


    I get the impression with the EBT amnesty that HMRC fear that if they lose the case against the Gers, they would be stuffed with all the other cases, therefore they are giving companies the opportunity to voluntarily pay up before the ruling. If a company doesn't pay now, and HMRC win the case, they will be targeting EVERY company that has used the EBT.

  12. Take a look across the river though... and you can see that a very different approach is taken.


    Definitely.....however, On the good side of the river, we should continue to do the RIGHT thing as you've said, regardless of what everyone else is doing or their views.


    When/if the house of cards comes crashing down in the winds of change, at least we will be able to hold our heads high in the knowledge that we have done everything we can to ensure that the good fight is fought!!!!

  13. So where I find it confusing is that we already HAVE dealt with such issues. But certain groups still feel we have a problem..... Celtic have NOT dealt with such instances and get a free ride, or so it seems.


    Firing Adam does nothing to shift that balance. I am not saying we shouldnt fire Adam but there have been plenty other instances of this which have NOT resulted in the players having to leave their club. Diamond and Paton are still with their club despite their FTQ rants online (they got lucky because there was no legislation in place at the time). Lennon escaped unpuinished and still does....


    So we would be able to take the moral high ground - but would we even be seen by the media, or credited by them, for doing the right thing ? Highly doubtful.


    The spotlight is continually on the club to be seen to be doing something about sectarianism, by not taking the hard-line, we will be criticised for it & accused of brushing it under the carpet - regardless of what has gone on in the past or else where. I feel it is more about building examples within the club so that when external bodies question the clubs commitment about dealing with sectarianism, clear & defined evidence can be produced.


    It is not fair that the club should have to do this, but that is the state of things at the moment.

  14. My personal opinion is that if he IS found guilty by the courts, the club should take the hard line and get shot ASAP.


    Certain groups feel that this is a problem within the club, and I get the impression that some feel that the club isn't doing enough. If Adam is found guilty of a sectarian breach, and the club get shot of him, they can at least turn round and say that an issue had arisen, and dealt with. Could Celtic say the same about last years Poppy embarrassment or any of the reports of their fans sectarian behaviour???

  15. Bedoya, Ortiz, McKay and Wylde need to step up.


    In fairness to Bedoya, Ortiz & McKay.....they haven't really been given the chance in the 1st team. I do feel that Wylde has stepped up in recent weeks, and find it kinda strange that he's been dropped in favour of Papc.


    However, it is the perfect opportunity for these guys to really stake a claim for a 1st team start - especially Bedoya & Ortiz since they are both right-sided players.

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