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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. I know it's a bit left field but I would be curious to see how Kent and Wright would do together in the same starting line up. Would love to see them both running at their back line.
  2. After playing in 1st gear for the 2 OF games, I genuinely hope we have our A game on today. Ditch the pedestrian football and go high tempo from the first whistle. Go and show this mob why we are 20 points ahead of them in the league.
  3. So we will be basically be supporting an English national side? No thanks. Bills original post is spot on. I used to love World Cups and some of my fondest memories of watching football have involved these big tournaments but they now just leave me cold. Saying that so does the CL. I haven't seen a live CL game in years. It bores me to death tbh
  4. I'm not one to cause controversy but may I suggest this is a little bit of an overreaction...?
  5. 1-1 at The Dump with a 40% performance. Happy enough as it was a tough week. We remain unbeaten.
  6. Kamara not looking his usual composed self. Understandably
  7. C'mon Rangers. Half time rollicking from Stevie G. It's simple. We turn up and we win the game. We just need more urgency and purpose to what we are doing.
  8. No edge to our game at all. Step it up Rangers. Enough strolling
  9. Sounds nice Compo. A wee cup of caffeine for this bear. I'm off booze at the moment. Trying to shift a few lockdown pounds??? Enjoy the game!
  10. I hear you. Just sick of the lot them and want to focus on the footie ?
  11. For some reason I've got a crazy feeling Liverpool will win the damn thing outright. Football is weird game and the CL could be a welcome change from their domestic chores. Much like us in 72.
  12. Not sure what to think about today. We are effectively playing with no pressure. That to me suggests this could go two ways. Firstly, we will playing without any edge and that could effect our commitment to winning the 1 to 1 battles around the pitch. Secondly, we could go out there and play with freedom and put on a good show. Hopefully it's the latter. Got a strange wee feeling Alfie will deliver the goods today.
  13. Hate to state the obvious but this was a type of game we needed a noisy crowd to help us. Bit like the Braga home game last year. Oh well. Let's move on and take all our frustrations out on that lot at the weekend
  14. Can't really get any fluency thanks to their diving and fouling breaking up the play every 2 minutes. The ref is shocking. How did Kamara get booked? He literally could not stop his body from moving
  15. Can see them scoring 1 goal tonight so we need to be on it and take our chances when the come our way.
  16. Saw rumours circulating over the last day or so. Hopefully whatever it is he is strong enough to fight it and make a full recovery. Get well soon Walter.
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