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The RST told us to 'keep our powder dry'

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We all know what the RST set out to do and we can see what role they should play. They have succeeded to an extent in getting messages across via a traditionally hostile Scottish media. Credit to them for that.


But the fact is for years the RST has been a participant in the most disastrous period in the club's history. They spent far too long cosying up to David Murray, even when it was clear he wanted out and had nothing left to offer. They kept channels of communication going with the club's enemies, such as the appalling Spiers to whom they gave interviews, for far too long. They were massively wise after the event with Whyte, whom they initially welcomed. And latterly they've embarrassed themselves hugely by acting as lovestruck cheerleaders for TBK, led by ex-Rangers director Paul Murray. They have no clear media strategy; Radio Clyde should be boycotted unless they ask Dingwall for an interview, in which case the boycott is ditched. The quality of their written press statements, while containing laudable sentiments, is uniformly dreadful. Attendance at their AGMs would embarrass a meeting of the Flat Earth Society but their chairman totally denies this indicates any diminishing of their stature. In short, they're a mess and an irrelevance.


I agree that a Rangers Supporters Trust group should play a role in post-apocalypse Rangers but not if "these people" are their representatives. The plain fact is the RST will never amount to anything more than a factional splinter group while Mark Dingwall remains their most prominent member/spokesman. He's neither trusted nor respected by the vast bulk of the Rangers support and he represents division, not unity.


If the RST are serious about being players in the new Rangers, their entire structure needs to be adressed and their top team needs to be replaced.


Even as a former board member, I agree with much of your criticism and I think even the Trust struggle with Mark's involvement (and the association to FF).


To be frank, I'm sure Mark's influence does cause problems for many people but (TBK support aside) his performance over the last few months has been pretty good - certainly better than many people could do. I don't see many alternatives. I turned down a Scotland Tonight slot because I don't feel confident on live TV and I also found a recorded interview with SSN difficult. It's not easy so I admire Mark for his efforts there.


This is the problem we have - participation in such groups is low and even those that do enjoy such work are usually only interested volunteers rather than experts. Thus, I don't think removing Mark would really help solve that apathy though I do agree some sort of reform would benefit fan representation. Are we really capable of doing so when we already know we don't have enough fans interested in the 'political' debate?

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On the other hand, the baulk of the support also looked on and did essentially nothing ... only after been organized by the supporters groups did some get their act together.


Finished? Far from it! After any sort of takeover these people should get into serious contact with the new owner and make their ideas felt, ere another Whyte-scenario of cloak & dagger stuff behind closed door can occur. For one thing is for sure, if the supporters groups are gone, Miller and Co., much like Whyte and Co. or TBK and Co. can do as they please with Rangers FC.


Cant agree with the last bit mate, if the last 20 years have told us anything it's this. The supporters group have no power and no say on who owns Rangers or what they do with the club. The main problem is the people running these groups think they do, thats what going wrong.

Edited by Frankie
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Cant agree with the last bit mate, if the last 20 years have told us anything it's this. The supporters group have no power and no say on who owns Rangers or what they do with the club. The main problem is the people running these groups think they do, thats what going wrong.


I disagree.


I think our fans do have the power to affect certain situations. We just don't do it effectively for a variety of reasons.

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Can you name these situations? Just as a matter of interest.


Well, I think the protest last weekend worked well & certainly focussed the mind of SFA committee members and sponsors.


I feel that shows we can lobby effectively - a power which should be used more often.

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Well, I think the protest last weekend worked well & certainly focussed the mind of SFA committee members and sponsors.


I feel that shows we can lobby effectively - a power which should be used more often.


My point was in terms of who owned the club and what they did with it tbh. But i get your point about the march.

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Once this has all settled down. There needs to be w meeting, even over a weekend in a hotel of all the supporters club and groups and they need to talk, make a plan up, present it to their RSC and Groups, then have one unified group with two of the group hopefully in the board room with a voice

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Guest wolfman
I said at the outset the problem with the RST's involvement was their most prominent member's close association with the unfortunate episodes in the RST's past. I couldn't see how this particular individual, with his unfortunate knack of making enemies among his fellow-supporters, could ever hope to unite fans behind him. As it happened, the bigger problem turned out to be the RST's association with one romantically attractive but ultimately unrealistic bid. The RST slavishly backed not just TBK but specifically Paul Murray, fawningly so. The RST rubbished every other bidder. This served to make Bears suspicious of TBK. So the poster is right; if Miller gets the gig, the RST have effectively achieved nothing.


On the subject of the RST, where was their public condemnation of racist tweets aimed at Kyle Bartley? They were quick enough to give an interview to 5 Live when another club's manager was alegedly sent parcel bombs last year. Why so shy, guys?


Oh and hi everyone, I'm 3909 04.

spot on mate couldnt have put it better myself.
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Cant agree with the last bit mate, if the last 20 years have told us anything it's this. The supporters group have no power and no say on who owns Rangers or what they do with the club. The main problem is the people running these groups think they do, thats what going wrong.


IMHO, you've got a big axe to grind with either Mark Dingwall and/or the Trust itself. For whatever reason. I don't want to know. The point is that without supporters groups the fans have no face and no-one to organize them right now.


If you'd ask me, I'd gather them around and tell them to organize a big membership scheme, with a representative (or more, if required) talking straight to the board (if not being part of one) or even the club's owner. The members' fee goes to the club and thus they get some factual power based on fixed annual income, and have actually a say in the running of the club. As it was and to an extend still is, the broad masses will be lead around by some chosen few (i.e. the board of directors) ... and these people were not chosen by the support. That there is dislike towards some of the supporters groups is pretty normal. Yet, if you don't like the RST, there are acouple of others about ... and no-one stops you from starting your own.

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