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Favourite Rangers Fanzine

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As far as i can remember there have been two longish term tim posters. As i said i believe the one that was on when i started was the first person to 4000 posts.He was really a decent guy and was actually as much a part of the boards as anyone. Cammy or Jon will know better than me. He keft on his own will. The second was a calscot type who thought he could baffle everyone with long(what he thought intelligent) posts. He was eventually banned as he did what mainflier said, his true colours came steadily dripping out. Others have come and gone. For a while we did have trouble with idiots filling the boards with IRA bullshit in the middle of the night but since we are virtually moderated 24 hours a day with Gribz,Jon,Craig and myself often on at night that doesn't happen much, if at all, any more.

Bantering with one now and again is okay but i agree i come on for Rangers discussion and i am not interested at all in what is happening at the piggery.

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As far as i can remember there have been two longish term tim posters. As i said i believe the one that was on when i started was the first person to 4000 posts.He was really a decent guy and was actually as much a part of the boards as anyone. Cammy or Jon will know better than me. He keft on his own will. The second was a calscot type who thought he could baffle everyone with long(what he thought intelligent) posts. He was eventually banned as he did what mainflier said, his true colours came steadily dripping out. Others have come and gone. For a while we did have trouble with idiots filling the boards with IRA bullshit in the middle of the night but since we are virtually moderated 24 hours a day with Gribz,Jon,Craig and myself often on at night that doesn't happen much, if at all, any more.

Bantering with one now and again is okay but i agree i come on for Rangers discussion and i am not interested at all in what is happening at the piggery.



Yeah, there were a couple of long-termish timposters on here. Keith was one (who was followed Hamilton Accies more than Celtc IIRC) and the other was our old friend, Bruce Cundy.


Keith was a decent guy, wasn't you're regular 'your pure bigots' etc and entered into all types of discussion. BC on the other hand was one of those tims who was OK when the tims were on top, but showed his true colours when we were winning!


There was a few more, but I can't remember their names at the moment. Had some fun with the timposters over the years :box::whistle::)


Cammy F

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Guest scotzine
On yer bike and take your claptrap website with you. You're fooling no one around here.


You don't allow articles by Rangers fans on your website. You reproduce ceratin articles and then use your comments facility to line up a familiar list of cockroaches to ridicule everything about that article. You then exercise an entirely predictable filter when it comes to allowing Rangers fans to defend their position. You game is so balatant that the only surprise is that you would even pretend to defend yourself on here. If it was up to me, your feet wouldn't touch the ground here.


actually maineflyer I have had a number of Rangers posters on my site in recent months - look under the Authors section at the left hand side of the site - John G, FatEck and sleepylaidlaw are all Rangers fans and I have always asked if anyone was very critical of the site if they wanted to write about Rangers to give a Gers fans opinion of the site - then I would welcome it - I have never nor will I prevent Rangers fans or any other fans from commenting or posting on the site.

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actually maineflyer I have had a number of Rangers posters on my site in recent months - look under the Authors section at the left hand side of the site - John G, FatEck and sleepylaidlaw are all Rangers fans and I have always asked if anyone was very critical of the site if they wanted to write about Rangers to give a Gers fans opinion of the site - then I would welcome it - I have never nor will I prevent Rangers fans or any other fans from commenting or posting on the site.


I don't believe I ever said you didn't allow Rangers fans to comment on your site, although it's clear some of them are nothing of the sort. However, it's completely clear that you actively and routinely manipulate comment to establish an unambiguous anti-Rangers consensus. Your recent correspondence with admin on another Rangers site reveals your true colours and your feigned reasonableness and even-handed approach are as genuine as Paw broons teeth.


If your website is such a paragon of fair play, why not just dedicate all of your time to that and the Linwood jewellry stall, and stop straying on to every Rangers site you can find. I know exactly what you are mate and what your game is.

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Yeah, there were a couple of long-termish timposters on here. Keith was one (who was followed Hamilton Accies more than Celtc IIRC) and the other was our old friend, Bruce Cundy.


Keith was a decent guy, wasn't you're regular 'your pure bigots' etc and entered into all types of discussion. BC on the other hand was one of those tims who was OK when the tims were on top, but showed his true colours when we were winning!


There was a few more, but I can't remember their names at the moment. Had some fun with the timposters over the years :box::whistle::)


Cammy F


That's the ones i mean Cammy.:thup:

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Here's one of the recent articles penned by our latest visitor from the dark side. It doesn't strike me as difficult to see that this sellick-supporting clown has no intention whatsoever of delivering the level playing field he pretends to present on Scotzine. Judge for yourself - I'm sure he won't mind me reproducing it here, friend of open debate that he is.


We see the banners and the flags being flown at every game the Rangers fans go to. Rangers are the Quintessential British Team, according to their supporters and take pride in being a BRITISH club. However it seems that the Club’s hierarchy want to revel in being a Scottish club, only months after celebrating all things Ulster. So what is really going on at Ibrox? With this year being dubbed ‘The Year of Homecoming’ by the Scottish Government in a bid to boost Tourism in the country during a time of financial crisis, it is surprising that a club that celebrates its British-ness and its fans singing Rule Britannia and God Save the Queen should celebrate being Scottish.


So can you be Scottish and British at the same time? Well officially yes, but given that Scotland has its own parliament, our own identity and a sheer hatred for the English when it comes to Footballing matters then I doubt we could be both. While the majority of Scottish Football supporters back the campaign Against a Team GB, those Rangers supporters still revel at singing British anthems even more so when they play their arch rivals Celtic who celebrate their Irish identity as much as Rangers celebrate their British identity.


While Politics is not my area of expertise, it is a bit rich of the club to ask their fans to celebrate being Scottish given the fact they belt out songs glorifying the British Empire and sing a song - God Save the Queen - whose lyrics call the Rebellious Scots to be crushed. However is this day of celebration a Supporters group initiative or is it a Club initiative looking for some good PR? Well rumours persist that a PR company actually contacted the Scottish Executive in a bid to get their Day of Celebration backed by high fliers within the Scottish Government. However with the Government being run by the SNP, it would be a bit ridiculous that members of a Political Party that are bent on Scottish Independence, celebrate being Scottish at the ground of a club that oozes Unionism, Britishness and celebrates everything to do with the British Empire. Even a call from a couple of top officials at Rangers FC to the Scottish Executive was blanked.


Is ‘Scotland Day’ a PR stunt? well coincidently it is around the same time as Rabbie Burns day - 25th January - which is a major Scottish event throughout the world. So jumping on the bandwagon of everything Scottish would be a good initiative wouldn’t it? Well given that only in September the Quintessential British Club held ‘Ulster Day’ to celebrate the club’s historical friendship with the British state. What’s next for Rangers? Holland Day, America Day, Oz Day? Given that the club has strong links with those countries as well, with some of their players & former players and fans citizens of those countries it would be safe to say that they would do these days also? Nah that would be silly wouldn’t it? And so the club selects days to celebrate the more important aspects of the club’s links. Ulster Day was promoted and celebrated to get as many Rangers fans from Northern Ireland over to the stadium in that day, as well as those fans who revel in backing the Pro-British movement in Northern Ireland. Waving Ulster flags, celebrating Ulster players who donned the Rangers strip etc. as well as waving Union Jacks it was all in a days work for the Quintessential British Club. But now they are going to be celebrating everything Scottish - playing bagpipe music, Scottish ditties over the tannoy system, everyone handed FREE mini Saltires to wave on cue and a card display that will probably display a massive Saltire also - all bought and paid for by Sir David Murray at a time when finances are tight and they have to sell one of their key players to balance the books.


If Rangers are so proud of their Scottishness, why then at the UEFA Cup Final in Manchester did the majority of them wave Union Jacks and not the Saltire? Why not fly the Saltire and the Lion Rampant with pride rather than have mini Union Jacks all across the stadium. Why not tell the world - here is a Scottish club in a European Cup Final? Why not celebrate their Scottish Identity then?


While Rangers celebrating being Scottish is not a crime, trying to pass yourself off as the Quintessential British Club and also passing yourself off as a club that revels in its Scottishness is a bit of a joke given the times we live in. Many Scots see themselves as Scottish and not British, especially the Football Fans who follow our National team. Even the voting in of the SNP at the last Election has shown that society is sick of the cronies of Labour and the Tories who try to govern Scotland from the confines of Westminster. While I don’t disagree with the club’s and the fans claim that Rangers are the Quintessential British Club, they certainly are not a club that revels in being Scottish. Is Flower of Scotland sung at Ibrox? Is Scotland the Brave? How many Union Jacks do you see compared to Saltires at Ibrox? How many Scotland tops do you see at Ibrox compared to England shirts? In all these questions it is never the Scottish side that wins, it is always the British or the ‘English’ aspect of the club that does.


Although I class myself as being Scottish officially I am classed as British given that Scotland is still part of the United Kingdom/ Great Britain & Northern Ireland, as well as having a British Passport. But do we have a choice over this? No we don’t, the Passport is forced upon us and so is this false British Identity.


So isn’t it about time Rangers as a club come out and pick a side? Celtic have been celebrating their Irish heritage for years and have been hated for it by the Rangers support and more or less every other club in Scotland, and not just because of footballing reasons. Likewise Rangers are hated for rubbing their Quintessential Britishness in the faces of their opponents. The same Britain that tried to kill off Scottish Culture once and for all after the Battle of Culloden in 1746, the same Britain that first introduced the Concentration Camps in South Africa interning the Boer population, the same Britain that massacred men, women and children across the world in the name of King/Queen & Country. The same Britain that revelled in war, invading countries and forcing their will on the citizens all in the name of the ‘Glorious Empire.’ The same Britain who after WW2 promised Palestine to the Arabs and the same Britain who promised Palestine to the Jews across Europe and the World who were persecuted by the Nazis and their allies. The same Britain that left Palestine in a state of turmoil, washing their hands of the matter only to see the conflict between the two peoples still raging on even to this day. Oh how we should all celebrate being British and wave the Union Jack - seen by many not only in Ireland, but also across the world as nothing more than a Butcher’s apron.


Every club in Scottish Football is first and foremost a Scottish Club, they may have links to Northern Ireland or the Republic or even England etc. But they are all Scottish. If the FA thought of us as British then wouldn’t we have clubs in joint leagues? Would there be a huge uproar from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland about losing their identities at International Level so that we can have a Team GB if we classed ourselves as British? Of course not. When things go wrong with someone or something that is Scottish, Welsh or Irish - Britain is not mentioned yet when someone like Andy Murray progresses in a tennis competition or Chris Hoy wins a Gold Medal, its all about Britain and how glorious Britain is. This ‘country’ of Britain is still revelling in the British Empire mentality and while Rangers as a club and fan base also revel in it, its time they realised that the Empire didn’t care for anyone unless it benefited the Empire. Scotland was always a threat to them, Scotland was always a thorn in the side - even in the 1980s the Poll Tax protests in Scotland was a major thorn in Thatcher’s and Britain’s side and to this day the Tories have not won an election in Scotland due to the behaviour of their Quintessential British party against the Scots in the 1980’s.


So while the Rangers fans wave their little Saltires and Lion Rampants, singing along to the Scottish ditties being blasted out of the Quintessential British Club’s tannoy system - every other club’s support in Scotland will be looking on with downright disgust at the claims that the club is celebrating being Scottish, rather than what it actually is - a PR stunt to get the media off the back of Sir David Murray during a time of financial crisis at the club, as well as the recent Crimewatch episode that branded a minority of Rangers fans thugs and hooligans. Would Scotland Day have happened if Rangers fans had not rioted in manchester? Would Scotland day have happened if Rangers were not looking into a financial blackhole? Would Scotland Day have happened if Sir David Murray had needed good PR after recent media attacks on him and the handling of the club’s finances?


Rangers the Quintessential British Club - more like Rangers the Quintessential ‘We will do anything for good PR’ Club.


Looks like you can take the tim out of the gutter but you can't take the gutter out of the tim.

Edited by maineflyer
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I'd just like to say that, despite the occasional Genghis Khan impersonations, I'm very much for freedom to post whatever and wherever we want - as long as it's genuine and appropriate. Scotzine's appearance here is neither in my opinion. That's why I never visit or post on sellick websites.


You simply cannot consistently attack and ridicule Rangers on a public platform and then appear on numerous Rangers websites pretending to be Mr Evenhanded. Well you can but you shouldn't then be surprised at the outcome.


I thought long and hard about copying that Scotzine article since everyone has the opportunity to visit that site if they wish and read it for themselves - even join and participate if that takes their fancy. However, sometimes slimeballs need a little helping hand to expose their true nature. I hope the forum didn't mind too much.

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