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Everything posted by ComeOffit

  1. This love affair with all things english and British, is literally a one way street from our direction. If this does come off, and we do move to england, I think people are in for a rude awakening, if they think everyone will just welcome us with open arms. There's plenty of "celtic minded" people that live down here also, and add to that, the england/Scotland rivalry, and it's not the utopia that everyone seems to think it is. Add to that, starting in the conference is kissing goodbye to european football for the best part of a decade, and it's quite clear that green is in fact talking pish, again. I'm sure he's just saying all this to try gain some leverage in his war with the sfa/spl, but it's so transparent, it's cringeworthy. I really wish people would stop harping on about how our "dignified silence" policy caused us so much damage, and how great it is now we have someone spouting pish to anyone that will listen. Our old way made us the most successful club in world football, this new way, has pricks like Richard Keys, sniggering like a wee lassie at the man charged representing our club. He's the CEO of our club, not a washed up stand up comic, with rotten patter.
  2. He doesn't have to consult us to be fair. He gets all his policy from FF and RM, and I'm not even being sarastic.
  3. I never left the topic tbf. Just for the record, my handwringer slur wasn't directed at any mods. I'm happy to let this pish about traynor slide. I seem to be burrowing a lone furrow on this one. If people are happy with him representing our club, after the way he spoke about our away support in Osasuna, then I can't be bothered fightng a lost cause. The man is a disgrace, no matter what you're opinion on so called naughty songs are.
  4. Frankie. The original post I made was supposed to be ironic about mr traynor, and his opinions about our support. I thought it was relevant to the topic, seeing as most have us have forgotton his old attitude towards our support. It wasn't just a random "ftp" that I wrote. A few posters turned it into that, but it wasn't my doing. I couldn't really care less about the catholic church, or the pope. My issue was with traynor, and that still remains the case. If people actually took the time to read the posts, maybe stupidness like this wouldn't occur.
  5. They've been saying this for 20 odd years, and green thinks it's new patter, and we all lap it up. We're stuck here, whether we like it or not.
  6. Nobody got threatened, nobody said anything offensive. Just a few handwringers got on their high horse.
  7. Class maybe, understanding irony, not so much.
  8. Rangers fans dont sing racist songs, many other clubs in europe do. Sadly, we are the only club that bends over and takes shit from all-comers. You agree with traynors words, ergo, it's not a great leap to imagine you think the same way.
  9. I dont get involved in much pope bashing myself personally, but I'll gladly defend anyones right to do just that, as opposed to side with the fat leech traynor. The fact someones right to free speech offends you, says more about you, than it does about me. I'm quite happy here thanks, also I'm barred from those 2 lovely sites. EDITED by Craig : Again, unless mistaken, your use of FTP is considered a sectarian term is it not ? And please be cognisant that it is not only your comments which are open to issues but this website also could be called into question over such statements.
  10. Scottish football is the laughing stock of the world, and green is centre stage. If he wasnt so obnoxious, maybe he would get an invite to these discussions, instead of having to read this pish about euro leagues every few weeks.
  11. He implied the club was lying about the extent of the singing also. What exactly is wrong with any of our songs? Because a few ****s, and middle class sychophants dont like them, we just bow down and do as they say? Are you also saying that people that partake in these songs are not "decent people"? If you are, that's a hell of a lot of Rangers fans you are insulting. He's entitled to his opinion, the same way as I'm entitled to sing what I want. Disgusting that we are paying that moron a good wage now to spout his pish. He should have been banned from Ibrox for life.
  12. I never suggested he was lying. It's just his opinion in a rag. I'm suggesting it's a disgusting way for someone now on our payroll to describe our support. Are we not "decent people", because we sing a few songs at the football? We dont need enemies, when he, and many of our own support think this way. It sickens me how our great club has been highjacked by handwringers and ponces.
  13. He's just another pig with his nose in the trough. When will we wake up and see these twats for what they really are? Fucking leeches, the lot of them.
  14. What you mean is, when the £10m for players doesnt materialise, like he said it would, you'll forgive him because you dont think Ally needs it. Nevermind the fact the green said it.
  15. Hers a little ditty from the same man. the wonderful traynor. Fuck him. "As usual, there were the offensive sounds decent people have come to abhor. Unfortunately there was no evidence to suggest these chants are belted out by only a handful as some Rangers people would have you believe. Fortunately for Scotland, they won't be back in Europe for a while after Pierre Webo's second-half goal gave Osasuna a 2-1 aggregate win but it must be said the cops were more than heavy handed. In fact, they seemed to be spoiling for a fight, which was more than could be said for Smith's team." Decent people come to abhor? Fortunately for Scotland, they won't be back in Europe for a while? Now we pay this arsehole to pretend he's on our side. Total joke.
  16. You back everything green does, and take any chance to slag Ally. Doesnt matter that they have 2 different jobs. My opinions are hardly extreme, I'm actually quite moderate, compared to some. The majority isnt always correct in my experience. The majority backed whyte, for example. lol@ everyone turning against me.
  17. I'm ridiculous? haha. Coming from someone that supports green more than Ally, that's quite an insult. Trying putting your head in some sand, if blocking me doesnt do it for you.
  18. We have an idiot who boasts about how many disrepute charges he's got, and you're still worried about what Murray did or didnt do? The media does what it does to make money. They have no real power.
  19. I get pleasure from moaning about Rangers, so gies peace with the speeches.
  20. We've always had haters, who cares, really? Our problems came from inside, not from the big bad enemy. All this crap is tedious, and a smokescreen for green and co. Sick of it.
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