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Reaction to Lafferty's wedding in a Catholic church

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Does anyone on here know what the protestant religion is actually about? Really don't see much evidence here. The weirdest one is those that say they are "proud to be protestant" which is pretty much an oxymoron. Most people know that pride is considered a sin in the Christian religion, including the protestant flavour. You should be "humble" to be protestant and a hell of a lot more pious.


I also don't know why people can't help themselves singing stuff like The Sash and justifying it with their beliefs when they are not Orangemen. Singing that loudly for no reason just makes people sound like they should be in the loony bin - or at best they admire their drag queen father - "It is old and it is beautiful... the sash my father wore". Must be the most "out" sounding song in football - maybe that does deserve some respect...


From what I've read and been taught in the Protestant religion in Scotland, is that if Christ was around he would be telling you to love Celtic fans and Catholics and be nice to each other for a change. But then he'd probably be nailed to the nearest tree for it...


I think there are a hell of a lot of people who should start reading the bible and learning to live by its teachings with the help of a minister. Maybe then they can actually humbly call themselves a follower of Christ's teachings and that particular interpretation of God that Protestantism represents.


Otherwise it's the just the biggest load of shite stirring that should be given total derision and hounded out of football and society.

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Does anyone on here know what the protestant religion is actually about?


Yes. Luther wanted to abandon churches, priests, indulgences - and make love of God pure and holy, and not requiring mass organisation to achieve. He considered the Catholic church a vile and corrupt institution, such as paying your way into heaven. Hence protested against it, splitting the church in two.


Problem is, that was then. This is now. Luther was perfectly noble in his intentions, but nowadays there are so many sects of protestantism such as baptism, quakers, episcopalian, even Lutherism itself - most of which nowadays still worship in churches and use vicars or whatever type of figurehead to run their organisation.


Nowadays protestantism is hardly any different from the religion it broke away from, with the one critical difference being there's no one 'boss' aka the Pope.

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Once asked the local Minister when I was a lad in the BB's what it meant to be a Protestant. He told me it meant being tolerant of others and that I technically didn't need him or the church to speak to God, he was there only to advise me about God. Then with a laugh, but I bloody better see you here on Sunday to get advised.

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I know of some who were born catholic, went to catholic schools but never became a practising catholic and now support Rangers...I know some folk who were born non-catholic and attended non-catholic schools who follow Celtic. I don't know of any practising catholic's though who favour Rangers?

Anybody on here know anyone who is a practising catholic and goes to Ibrox?


Just wondering btw.

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I know a guy, a friends son. His mother is Catholic, he was christened into the Catholic church, went to Catholic school, did the first holy communion thing and is as big a bluenose as you'll ever meet. He's in his 20s now and is getting married soon, he's getting married in the Catholic church, his wife to be is catholic, he's wearing Rangers tartan kilt for it I'm told. He's not an attender every sunday morning but he goes from time to time and will go more regularly as his wedding approaches. He gets the support of us from his Dad.


The journalist Ronnie Esplin did a bit on this in either the Manchester book or the other one that Speirs contributed to so everyone but me boycotted. If memory serves his son went to a RC school but is a bluenose. His son refused to take part in the school run 'draw Henrik Larson' competition if memory serves correctly.

It's more common than people think.

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