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Devil's advocaat

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Everything posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/cqln4xjp82xo Banner image screams 'penalty to Rangers', whereas the real story is no wrong VAR decisions in our favour. Worse than the Sun.
  2. Can I take Cammy's 5 and Rousseau's 5 as well please.
  3. Barca had 2 in the starting line up, one who is 16 and has started nearly 50 games now, with 6 caps for Spain, and one who's 17 and has played over 100 games, with 20 odd caps - We in this country still think that a 21 year old is young. Barasic, please no.
  4. I think big Souttar would really benefit from a Davie Weir, it's finding one that's the issue.
  5. Absolutely, it's been an incredibly wet winter, granted. But this lot are a feeder club, for a big(ish) English club, you'd think they'd want their loan players playing on a half decent pitch, not borrowing covers from coverup fc.
  6. Aye, agreed. I don't think it's just his head that's away, he looks a yard slower too, in everything, reactions, speed of thought, decision making, ground speed etc. Confidence looks shot too.
  7. Camm doon ffs, we no allowed a laugh now? 😆
  8. Can't disagree with any of that. Imagine you picking one from that list, no one could've seen that coming.
  9. After big Cyriel's usual 'clean through from the halfway line' miss last night, I think you may be right 26th! Away and don't talk rubbish. You seem to see a few folk saying something online and then extrapolate it to our whole support!
  10. Dunno if I'd agree with that, I like the big man, he finds some really good positions and keeps coming back for more, but his finishing and decision making are very poor. I don't think you can compare the contributions of a full back and a striker, apples n oranges. I wouldn't be bothered if Dessers stays, as an option against diddy teams he does okay, but in bigger games, and particularly in europe, we can't be having a striker who converts as little chances as he does. I don't really see anyone lauding Ridvan, tbh our support rarely lauds anyone more than they should.
  11. I voted renew, simply as he's still performing as we'd like, but yes, your point is spot on.
  12. Aye, and some of the main protagonists would've settled for Warnock, which they seem to forget....
  13. Tannadice is, and has always been, a dreadful surface too. Who knows, maybe bitterness and envy ain't good for the green stuff. It was funny listening to Stewart on sunday, trying to work out how he could blame this clusterfuck on Rangers.
  14. Yes, but he also said Lammers was a guid yin.
  15. If Ridvan had dropped 2 acid and wore a dress for the match, I'd still have him playing before Barisic.
  16. It's basically a cup final, no away goals rule, first tie is now irrelevant. Just play the game to win it.
  17. Aye, there's merit in that. We do tend to focus on our own injuries, understandably, but the pot lickers have it just as bad at the moment.
  18. I get you, but I think still being in Europe helps the players feel ten feet tall, as Bill rightly says. Confidence is fuel.
  19. Sing about Rangers, fuck everything else.
  20. That we don't know, but you intimate that we always give 30+ players a 4 year contract, I'm merely saying that we don't in my experience.
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